School Evaluation

Our School

Sarratt Church of England Primary school is a smaller than average one form entry school currently with 164 pupils on roll, from Reception to Year 6. The school is affiliated with Holy Cross Church since 1862, and a member of the Diocese of St Albans.  The school is situated in the heart of Sarratt village in southwest Hertfordshire. In April 2019, the school joined with Christ Church C of E School in Chorleywood to form the Chess Valley Primary Learning Trust. 

Insight - Jan 24.pdf


Following a period of change, the school is now is a strong position and continually improving.

The school was placed in Special Measures by Ofsted in October 2014. An experienced interim headteacher was initially appointed to support the school draw-up an action plan and to work with the newly appointed IEB to help the school begin to make improvements. 

Progress was rapid and continued apace when a new substantive headteacher was appointed in September 2015. Work to address the priorities identified in the inspection were ongoing, and standards improved in all areas. The school was re-inspected by Ofsted in December 2015 and graded ‘Good’ in all areas.

The substantive headteacher was absent on health grounds from the end of September 2016 and resigned from the end of April. The newly appointed Deputy (September 2016) assumed the responsibility of acting head until December 2016 when an experienced interim headteacher was appointed on a temporary, part-time (0.6) basis to share the role as a co-head arrangement. This arrangement continued as a temporary arrangement until July 2018 once plans to academise were secured.

In September 2018, the former Deputy/ Co-Head teacher assumed the role as acting headteacher – a temporary arrangement until the process of academisation was complete. The school academised in April 2019 with the current staffing structure beginning in September 2019 – with the acting head teacher taking on the role of Head of School supported by an assistant head of school and lower school lead and upper school leaders. 

The school has experienced a period of stability since 2018 with staff mobility over the past five academic years remaining low. During this time standards have risen and relationships with the parent community have strengthened.

The school underwent a Section 8 Ofsted Inspection in June 2023 the findings of which confirmed that the school continues to be a good school under the definition of overall effectiveness as set out in the school inspection handbook. The feedback given at the end of the two day inspection was positive and praiseworthy about all aspects of school life, in particular the Behaviour and Attitudes of our children and our offer of Personal Development, which were described as exceptional. During the feedback the inspector noted that, had the school had a full graded inspection, these two areas would have been graded outstanding.


Here are just some of the positive comments made by the lead inspector in the report:


‘Pupils are exceptionally compassionate. They treat others as they would like to be treated.’


‘Leaders, staff and pupils work hard to realise the motto, ‘small school, big heart, huge aspirations’. Aspects of the school, principally pupils’ behaviour and how staff go above and beyond for pupils’ wider development, prove this exceptionally well.’


‘Leaders seek out exciting ways to broaden pupils’ horizons.’


‘Leaders work carefully with staff and parents to ensure accurate identification of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).’


‘Leaders have an in-depth knowledge of the pupils and their families.’

The published admission number (PAN) for the school is 26 places per year group.  As Sarratt village itself is too small to sustain this PAN, approximately 70% of pupils come from villages and towns nearby. A smaller than usual intake into Reception immediately following the poor inspection report grew from 11 children in Reception to 24 children when they left Year 6 in July 2022. The current Year 4 class is smaller than average with 19 pupils (increasing from 10 in September 2021), this is largely due to a forecast dip in local birth rates. The following Reception cohort, now Year 3, is full with 26 pupils joining in September 2020. This year we have 22 children in both Year 1 and Reception Class. Birth rate continues to decline in the local area. Due to a significant push on marketing and communications, and a growing positive view locally, the school now attracts families from a wider catchment area, attracted by the welcoming and nurturing environment provided. As a result, many children join throughout their primary school journey, with approximately 75% of all children on roll since reception. 


The school is part of the Chess Valley Primary Learning Trust. A strengthening partnership between the school and Christ Church School in Chorleywood is continuously developing with development opportunities and collaborative work emerging at all levels.

An established partnership exists with Holy Cross Church and the Diocese of St Albans. The Vicar at Holy Cross is a school governor and a regular visitor to school leading acts of worship.

The school is part of the Dacorum, Kings Langley and Riversmeet Consortia. We work closely with St Clement Danes Academy and Kings Langley Secondary School. Services accessed include Counselling and Family Support.

Sarratt School is part of the Rickmansworth Schools Sports Partnership. Through the partnership, the school attends and competes in events and tournaments with local schools. 

Parents are generally supportive in enabling their children’s learning and are proactive in organising events and in raising funds for the school through the Sarratt Parents’ Association.

Most Reception pupils attend the private ‘Ducklings’ Pre-school prior to joining the school.  This on-site pre-school shares a building with our Reception class, enabling good transition as staff, families and children are able to visit both settings regularly.  This setting was Ofsted inspected in November 2015 and rated as Outstanding.

As part of the Artsmark Accreditation led by the Assisstant Head of School, the school has made close links with The Watford Palace Theatre, The Royal Opera House and The Herts Cultural Education Programme (HCEP).

The Lower and Upper School Leaders are currently participating in the Primary Mathemtics Teaching for Mastery Work Groups programme accredited by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics.

The school has close links with local charity, Electric Umbrella. This academic year, the school and the charity are working on a joint project to inform and educate communities about equality, diversity and inclusion. 

Key Changes Since Last Ofsted

Leadership and Management

Having converted to a MAT in April 2019, the school now benefits from a strong partnership with Christ Church School in Chorleywood as part of the Chess Valley Primary Learning Trust. The experienced executive headteacher supports the head of school in all areas of school improvement. Opportunities for the senior leadership teams and subject leaders to engage in joint work and share good practice are planned throughout the year. Both schools benefit from shared expertise across the staff teams.

Having been in various leadership arrangements since September 2016, the acting headteacher was appointed as he Head of School following academisation. A permanent Senior Leadership structure was introduced in September 2019, with the new roles of Assistant Head of School, Lower School Leader and Upper School Leader forming the team. The impact of the new structure has proven successful, improving the curriculum provision and impacting upon whole school progress.

The governing board, CEO and SLT are clear about the direction for the school. In 2019 a newly formed Senior Leadership Team was established to drive and implement school improvement. The structure of the Administration Team was adapted to ensure roles and responsibilities were clearly defined. As a result of changes, the management and running of the school is efficient and focused on improving outcomes.

The Senior Leadership Team and Subject Leaders respond to pupil needs to refine and adapt the curriculum in light of changes. Systems for monitoring and reporting on curriculum areas have been introduced to ensure that leaders are kept informed of strengths and areas for improvement to address.

Capacity for further and sustained improvement is supported and enhanced through MAT Partnership and CPD. Opportunities for Professional Development to enhance leadership capacity across school are in place. Currently, four members of staff are undertaking NPQ accreditation. The head of School and Assistant Head of School both successfully completed NPQ accreditation in autumn 2023 (NPQH and NPQSL).

Safeguarding is very effective. Robust systems ensure leaders swiftly address safeguarding concerns and comply with all statutory regulations. A designated member of the admin team has responsibility of the SCR. Governors regularly review the school’s policies and procedures and visit school to see them being implemented.

The Autumn Standards Visit Report completed in October 2019, stated: The school has improved significantly over the last two years after an unstable period and indicators are all favourable; under the present leadership and with the support of the MAT of which it is part, the school should be driving towards a judgement of outstanding.’

In June 2023, the school underwent a Section 8 Ofsted Inspection in which it continued to be judged a Good School. 

Quality of Education

Subject Leaders respond to the needs of learners and school context in establishing the curriculum.

In 2020_21, it was identified that the children in the Early Years and Year 1 were not achieving in line with previous cohorts. As a result, the school has invested in and implemented targeted programmes and strategies to address this. Read, Write Inc phonics is now being delivered in Reception and Key Stage 1 to ensure that children make rapid and sustained progress through the learning to read and write stage. The Lower School Teaching team is currently part of the NCTEM programme of development, Mastering Number. Now implemented, teaching and learning of early key mathematical concepts has become more focused and robust. This was reflected in an increase in the number of children achieving the expected level and above in 2022.

IN 2021, the school implement NCTEM Curriculum Prioritisation to secure gaps in learning following the Pandemic. This was reviewed in 2023 and adapted to reflect the current needs of cohorts. Maths Mastery is now delivered through White Rose Maths to ensure the pace and challenge of maths teaching meets the needs of learners. The subject leadership team draw upon training and research and lead staff development to ensure the teaching of maths is consistent and effective.

Reading is prioritised. School Leaders and Practitioners recognise it as the key to the whole curriculum and as a result, discrete phonics and the teaching of early reading is rigorous. In 2022 88% of children in Year 1 achieved the pass marks and 100% of children met the standard at the end of Year 2. In 2022 100% of children left Key Stage 1 achieving age related expectations or above in reading. The percentage continues to be above national average in 2023 with 77% of children at or above the expected standard.

In 2022, the school reviewed The Foundation Curriculum, drawing from the strengths of the topic based approach through the previous Cornerstones Curriculum whilst ensuring discrete subjects enabled learners to acquire a depth of knowledge, understanding and skill in each area progressive across school.

Curriculum provision in PE is of high quality in all year groups driven by the specialist subject lead. Opportunities for children to participate and compete in a range of sports and physical activities are provided. Swimming is taught in lower Key Stage 2 by trained members of the teaching team and children needing additional support in achieving the expected standard are targeted in upper Key Stage 2.

Spanish is introduced in The Early Years and Key Stage 1 and taught discretely throughout Key Stage 2. The curriculum vision, set out by the subject leader, is to immerse children in the language enabling them to become confident speakers and writers.

The school draws upon the Core Value of Creativity in designing the Curriculum and Educational Offer. Planned enrichment activities throughout the year engage and excite learners in the curriculum. Examples include; Science Week, Languages Week, Ancient Civilisation Day, Sports Workshops and World Book Day.

The school uses digital technology throughout the curriculum to enhance teaching and learning across all curriculum areas. Investment in Google Chromebooks and Google education provides learners with the skills and knowledge to engage in collaborative work, research and subject material and provides opportunities to share learning with the school and wider community.

Behaviour and Attitudes

'Leaders, staff and pupils work hard to realise the motto, ‘small school, big heart, huge aspirations’. Aspects of the school, principally pupils’ behaviour and how staff go above and beyond for pupils’ wider development, prove this exceptionally well.' (Ofsted 2023)

Positive behaviour management and high expectations contributes to a positive learning experience for pupils which promotes all aspects of pupils’ welfare.

The pupils are highly motivated and keen to succeed and as a result outcomes are continuing to improve. Pupils learn appropriate behaviour towards others and learn strategies to handle conflict, through whole school assemblies, PSHE, class assemblies, Esafety lessons, Religious Education curriculum, and through the close, trusted relationships formed with adults in school. They are seen to use them in their interpersonal relationships.

Through Parent Voice and questionnaires, the vast majority of parents tell us that behaviour is good in the school and this is a commonly held view in our community.

Children tell us that they feel safe in lessons because teachers are consistent and fair.

Through our school vision, values and behaviour policy, we have a consistent and positive approach to behaviour management and a well-developed reward system; children are supported in establishing polite, courteous, respectful behaviour to each other and to adults. This is recognised and celebrated as a school through a clear reward system.

The school works with families and he local authority to improve and support attendance. 

The 2023 Section 8 Ofsted report stated, 'Leaders were shrewd in introducing two expectations about pupils’ behaviour. This simple approach ensures clarity. Staff and pupils understand and live out these expectations. Inspection report: Sarratt Church of England Primary School 13 and 14 June 2023 2 Pupils relish the rewards that recognise their kind, polite conduct. They strive to get their name in the coveted ‘golden book’. Pupils like how their parents join the weekly assembly to hear staff explain what it is they did to deserve the accolade. Also, pupils play happily during social times. Eagle-eyed staff hand out raffle tickets to pupils who demonstrate kindness. There is then a weekly prize draw, which pupils discuss with delight.'

Personal Development

'The school has widened its opportunities for all children to take lead in school events – from leading assemblies, to organising sports days, Play leading, becoming a School ambassador and involvement in acts of worship.' (Ofsetd 2023)

Through the school’s Christian values and ethos, Pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development is highly valued and well supported.

During the academic year 2019/20, the school increased the number of extra-curricular activities, offering a broader range of experiences. Following Covid, the school prioritised reinstating 'Childhood Experiences' with enrichment, visits and extra-curricular activities expanded . Our current offer is reviewed each term to reflect the needs and interests of our children. 

The school ensures that educational visits, visitors and workshops are provided throughout the year in every class to enhance the curriculum.

Children are given opportunities to take part in a number of sporting events, representing the school at tournaments and workshops organised through the Rickmansworth Sports Partnership and through other agencies.

Children are given opportunities to represent the school at the highest levels, from performing at The Royal Opera House to competing at The National School’s Swimming Championships.

The 2023 Section 8 Ofsetd report stated, 'Doing their best to be their best is something that pupils do through the extra-curricular offer. Pupils benefit from dedicated staff facilitating cross-school competitions. These allow pupils to show courage. They compete locally and nationally in sports like football, netball and swimming. Pupils strive to win but demonstrate a great deal of sportsmanship when faced with defeat. Pupils are exceptionally compassionate. They treat others as they would like to be treated. This includes in how they look after school resources. The ‘tidy tigers’ regularly check that school is ‘spick and span’ and that things work as they should. When someone joins or visits the school, pupils extend the hand of friendship. Having friends to play and learn with encourages pupils to attend school regularly.'


The experienced teaching team provide excellent early years provision. The EYFS team and SLT establish positive relationships with parents and carers,  starting before the child begins in Reception through transition activities and communication. As a result, children settle in quickly to their new environment feeling safe and happy.

The school uses Tapestry to capture children’s development and report next steps. There is a high level of parental engagement with their child's learning through Tapestry. Learning journeys are shared with parents every half term during open mornings. 

Phonics is delivered through the Read, Write, Inc programme to ensure a robust and structured approach to developing early reading and writing skills. Children are enabled to enhance their knowledge and skills in this area through careful consideration to the environment and continuous provision. 

In September 2021 as part of the school's approach to recovery curriculum, the NCTEM Mastering Number programme was introduced to secure and embed early number skills and understanding in the EYFS. Children quickly grasp the concepts of subitizing and become confident number sense. 

The EYFS environment is set up to inspire learning and promote independence. Each area is planned and constantly evolving to meet the needs of learners. From the moment children enter the door, they are enabled to become actively involved in learning and development - from self-registration to initiating play in role-play areas. 

The Reception teacher and EYFS Lead is currently undertaking Early Years NPQ accreditation.

Overall Effectiveness

This school is a securely good and improving school. 

The capacity for further and sustained improvement is good. Stability in the staff team, the capacity of leadership and governance and the MAT partnership mean the school is well placed for further improvement towards a judgement of outstanding.

SIAMs Self Evaluation