Sarratt School Newsletter

A Message from Mrs O'Hare

Dear Parents and Carers,

I have always felt unbelievably lucky to be part of such a wonderful school community but this week in particular, I feel very blessed.

Sadly on Monday, I was out of school to attend my beloved grandmother's funeral. The Sarratt Team, led my Mrs Serby, all ensured that everything ran smoothly and successfully. Mrs Serby took on the role of head of school and did a sterling job. Though not everyone was convinced; when telling the children that she was Mrs O'Hare for the day, she promptly got the reply, "You can't be Mrs O'Hare, you don't have the right shoes on." This really tickled the team, Mrs Serby and I!

The week of highs and lows was made particularly special when a letter from Windsor Castle arrived on Wednesday. Mrs Carson, our former Office Manager and fantastic parent, had secretly written to the Queen to report the dedication and commitment shown during the spring and summer months. The letter, written by Her Majesty's Lady in Waiting, passed on thanks and appreciation for work carried out during this challenging period. This is an absolute honor and something that will be cherished for a long, long time. I really am very thankful to be part of such an amazing school.

The best way to keep up to date on all the amazing goings on, is to visit our Twitter page at There has been loads happening this week - science experiments, Hindu Artwork and even making clouds! We will be contacting you over the coming weeks to let you know some of the other great activities we would like to provide for the children this year and asking you for a class donation to enable this. Despite current restrictions and a very limited school budget, we want to make the children's experience in school as memorable and enjoyable as possible.

What makes this school truly special, is it's children so let's see who has made it into Gold Book this week!

Warmest regards,

Mrs O’Hare

Head of School

Gold Book


We would like to nominate Bonnie for Gold Book. She is a very kind and helpful member of the class.

Well done Bonnie!

Year 1

We have two superstars in Year One this week!

First we have Iris who wrote the most amazing seven page recount of our class book - Dogger.

Her writing was so neat and her recall was so accurate. A fantastic piece of writing Iris. Very well done!

Next we have Roddie who has made a stupendous effort to progress his writing skills and he too did some lovely independent writing about Dogger. Well done Roddie - keep up the good work!

Dogger is one of our favourite stories and if you would like to share it with your child there is a beautiful re-telling on YouTube you could enjoy together.

Year 2

This week's entrants are Bertie and Izzy.

Bertie worked independently to write some superb expanded noun phrases - well done! Izzy is turning into a fabulous mathematician, once she has completed her own work, she supports others.

Well done, Mrs Bailey and I are very proud of you.

Year 3

Year Three's Gold Book entry, this week, is Jack Gould.

Jack continues to display a great enthusiasm for every aspect of his learning, across all subject areas. Jack enjoys questioning and challenging his existing thoughts to push himself and his learning further. A demonstration of Jack's positive attitude can be displayed in his English Fable writing. After a few tweaks, proof-reads and additions, Jack was able to write this captivating opening:

It was a dark, windy day. People were packed up in shelters. Shops, bakeries, shoe shops and all sorts of other places, were all huddled up. Down the road in an ordinary house lived an ordinary boy.

Who was he?

Jack's Fable continues and reveals who this mysterious child is and what problem must he overcome!

Year 4

This week we have Fin in the Goldbook for his English. We have been expanding our vocabulary and trying to put new and exciting words into our writing. Fin has been a wonderful role model for us all as he not only tries to use the words we have discussed but has used the thesaurus to try out even more exciting words. Well done, Fin.

Year 5

It has been a delight to teach Evan as he has progressed into upper key stage two. He has really shown himself to be a kind and thoughtful pupil - a fantastic role model to our school. He takes time to share his ideas clearly with his peers and has demonstrated a great empathy for others. Well done Evan!

Year 6

Chloe is in the gold book for Year 6 this week. She has been enthusiastic and engaged in her learning (including growing mould on bread!), as well as being helpful to her peers.

Well done Chloe, keep it up!

Staff Gold Book

This week we have a special entry in the Gold Book for Mrs Carson!

Mrs Carson (officially) leaves us today, moving onward and upwards in the world of School Business Administration. We will all really miss her in school (particularly when it's World Book Day or when we need something fixing in a flash).

We wish her the very best of luck - we know she will be marvelous!

Special Mention

This week Darcy in Year 2 has an extra special mention for her thoughtfulness and creativity. She has been raising money for the Royal Free Children's Ward setting up a little pop up shop outside her house. Well done Darcy - an entrepreneur in the making!

Culture Club Star

The Culture Club Gallery is up and running and is already receiving work from you. This week, we would like to focus our attention on Eve, from Year 4, who has created a wonderful piece of art in response to listening to Waterfall by Alexis Ffrench. Well done, Eve. It is a fabulous picture.

This challenge will continue for another week. Please send Mrs Serby your pictures, paintings, models, poems, songs, stories, dances and music for uploading on the Gallery site.

You can find the challenge here:

The Gallery is here:

Important Information

As Covid cases rise, we will be putting in place additional measures to help keep our school community safe. From Monday, we will be asking all visitors who enter the school office or approach a member of staff to wear a face covering.

As a staff we feel strongly that the children need to see our smiling faces so we will not be wearing face masks, however visors are available for staff, particularly vulnerable members of the team, when working in close proximity to the children.

There has been a growing number of schools locally who have had positive confirmed cases and, following Public Health England guidance, have needed to send classes and staff members home for a period of self-isolation. In the event this happens at Sarratt, we would inform all parents concerned as soon as possible and resume arrangements for home learning.

Department for Education coronavirus (COVID-19) helpline opening hours

The Department for Education coronavirus (COVID-19) helpline remains available to answer questions about coronavirus (COVID-19) relating to education and children’s social care. Please listen carefully to the available options and select the most appropriate to your nursery, school, or college’s current situation.

Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline by calling:

Phone: 0800 046 8687

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm

Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 4pm

At any time, if your child is showing any of the three symptoms below, you must follow the official government guidance.

A Few Reminders

Please ensure that long hair (hair longer than shoulder length) is tied back for school. School policy states that hair decoration is to be discreet and in school colours.

All items of school clothing must be clearly named including PE kit. We have had number of Purple Hoodies with no names.

If your child cannot remove their own earrings, please ensure that earrings are covered with tape on the day of PE.

We have a NO NUT policy in school. Please make sure that packed lunches and snacks are nut free.

Crisps and chocolate covered cakes and biscuits are permitted on Friday only. Please see our packed lunch policy for further details.

Booking for Autumn Parent Consultations goes live tonight at 6pm. Please contact the school office if you are not available during the allocated times to arrange an alternative.

For health and safety reasons, the climbing frames are out of bounds before and after school.

The Great Sarratt (Virtual) Bake Off

Star Baker this week goes to Iris in Year 1 (along with her Sous Chef, younger brother Isaac) who cooked these yummy looking fairy cakes. I love the colourful icing and sprinkle decoration - I hope they tasted as good as they look!

If you would like to get involved and support McMillan then get baking cakes, treats and biscuits.

We will keep the Bake Off open until the end of half term for those wanting to enter. Please email in your pictures to

If you are taking part or would like to show your support, please make donations directly by visiting

Community News

Church News

Message from Holy Cross Church:

Hello there

I do hope you are all well as we come fully into Autumn Season.

Our villages are looking so beautiful.

This Sunday our 9am Service will be in Chipperfield and the 10:30 am will be in Sarratt.

Both will be available online through the churches you tube link and attendance is booked via the church office by calling or email.

The Harvest Family service from Sarratt is available now to watch and on 18th October in Chipperfield we plan to have our All Age Family Harvest service.

We continue to pray for you all and hope you see you soon

With every blessing

E Safety

Next week Parent Zone, experts in digital family life, along with Google are hosting digital drop-ins about the online world – on everything from Cyberbullying to Sharing Carefully. Follow the link below to access the sessions.

In school, we use Google Interland to teach our children to be safer, more confident explorers online. More information on this can also be found on the Parentzone Website along with loads of useful information and tips for parents to help your child navigate the digital world safely.

House Point Totals