Sarratt School Newsletter

Courage   Compassion   Creativity

Dear Families, 

Fresh from our success in achieving Gold Artsmark accreditation earlier this term, this week we received news that we have also achieved a second Gold Award - Sportsmark! This is a huge achievement for a small primary school - Gold accreditation in both of these awards are usually for larger establishments with specialist facilities and teams. It's a huge credit to all of the additional time, dedication and effort put in by Mrs Goldspring and Mrs Serby with the support of the wider team. We will be proudly displaying our awards in the school entrance soon! 

Today you will receive your child's end of term report providing an overview of how your child is progressing in all areas of learning. As always, please do get in contact with the class teacher should you wish to talk through about your child's development. 

Next Thursday the children will be meeting their teacher for next year and visiting their new classroom to help them prepare for September. We will also be letting parents know during the day who the teachers will be next year. 

There are still lots of things to look forward to this academic year, starting with our Summer Fair tomorrow. Thank you to the fabulous efforts of the  SPA in preparing for the event and supporting the school. I look forward to seeing you there from 11.30 tomorrow!

Warmest regards,

Nicola O'Hare

Head of School

Gold Book


Jessica and William O'B are in the GB this week. Both have been showing determination an motivation in independent writing during CHIL. They are both superstars! 

Year 1 

Mark has been building his independence and tackling his work with a positive attitude! 

Year 2

Charlie has been supporting his friends learning and offering alternative ways to solve maths problems. 

Year 4

Bertie has written a wonderful Psalm in RE, putting in effort and thought to express his ideas. 

Year 5 

Freya and Amelia always do their best  - they are helpful and look out for others in the class. Great role models!

Year 6 

Izzy is such a joy to have in the class - her positive attitude and hard work never goes unnoticed!

Rory is always setting a great example of what it means to be a brilliant Year 6 student - hard working, a good listener and always trying his best! 

Special Entry

Beatrice and Lolly have a special mention from Mrs Allen this week - the girls have been superstars at lunchtime, helping to keep the playground tidy and organised. 

Sports Day Results

The sports day results have been gathered and added together. The cup was presented this morning during Gold Book Assembly - much to the delight of the winning team, Lime!

4th Place - Oak with 6,748

3rd Place - Willow with 6,837

2nd Place - Cherry with 7396

1st Place - Lime with 7,468

Spotted in Sarratt!

We've gone all out on puppet making in Key Stage 1 - shadow in Year 1 and fabric in Year 2!


Fri 7th July

School Reports 

Sat 8th July

Summer Fair

Thu 13th July

2023/24 Staffing Structure shared

Children to visit new classrooms with new teacher

Wed 19th July 1.30pm

School Closes for Summer 

Community News

Community Support in the Dacorum Area - New Updates

New this week - Summer Information from Dacorum support team...

This fortnights newsletter includes: 


Dacorum Parent/Carer courses and support from various local providers: 


Please also follow our social media pages for the most recent updates:  



Herts Parenting When Separated Programme 

The Parenting When Separated Programme is a practical and positive evidence-based course for parents who are preparing for, going through, or have gone through a separation or divorce. It is a six-week course that highlights practical steps parents can take to help their children cope and thrive, as well as coping successfully themselves. 

Topics include: 

• Solving co-parenting problems in a positive way that focus on the needs of children.

 • Coping with the emotional impact of separation and learning stress management techniques. 

• Helping your children cope with the impact of the separation both emotionally and practically. 

• Enhancing communication with their children and with their children's other parent. 

The course is free to attend and is open to separated parents from all backgrounds. Both mothers and fathers, resident and non-resident parents. Both parents of the same children are welcome to attend though we recommend you attend separate groups. 

How to register 

You can be referred by a professional or parents can self-refer here 

For more information about relationship support visit


Church News

Online Safety

Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe from harm. It has been brought to our attention that children have been accessing inappropriate content at home via their Google Accounts. 

We have security measures in place in school, which are constantly reviewed, to help safeguard pupils from any potential dangers. Online Safety is taught   to all pupils explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.


We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with you to ensure the e-safety message is consistent.  Your help is needed to talk to your children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.


Children are accessing a greater amount of content online, than we were ever exposed to in our childhood. Children can accidently or deliberately be exposed to   unwanted or unpleasant content or comments online and there are steps you can take at home to minimise this risk.

The NSPCC provide guidance on how to protect children online for parents including setting controls, talking to your child and how to report concerns.


Please click on the link below for the latest information from Herts CC for parents supporting online safety.

Important Reminders

Make sure your child comes to school with a water bottle each day. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a snack in the morning. Children in KS2 can bring a fruit or vegetable snack to school for playtime. 

If your child needs additional medication, please  fill in this form and drop it into the school office.

Please ensure your child has an outdoor jacket everyday. We always aim to have the children outside as much as possible during playtime and lunchtime.

The climbing frames are out of bounds before and after school. 

PE Days - Summer Term 2

Reception- Tuesday

Y1 - Wednesday and Friday

Y2 - Monday and Wednesday

Y3 - Monday and Wednesday

Y4 - Tuesday (double session)

Y5 - Monday and Thursday

Y6 - Monday (swimming) and Wednesday


We have always prided ourselves on being an open and approachable school and believe that good communication with our families is important to the success of our school.

Class Whatsapp groups are a valuable platform for parents to share information, particularly for those families who are new to the school and have limited opportunities to interact in the playground. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any area of school life or would like to share important information regarding your child, we would ask you to speak to the school directly. There are very clear channels available for doing this, outlined on the parent information pages of our website. We are always here to listen and will endeavour to address any issues quickly and effectively. 

Below is the link to the list of who to contact should you need any information about a specific area of school life. Should you wish to raise any questions or concerns directly regarding your child, the class teacher is always the first point of contact. If you have spoken to the class teacher but feel the issue is not resolved or should you require further information, then please make an appointment to see the Phase Leader – Mrs Whittaker for Reception and KS1 children and Mrs Serby for KS2 children.

Uniform Exchange

One of our wonderful parents has set up a Facebook page to exchange uniform items that are no longer needed. If your child has outgrown their uniform or you are looking for additional items then this is the place for you. click on the link below to go to the page. Please contact the school office for more details. 


DFE advice:

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) advice remains clear that children can continue to attend as normal unless they are unwell and have a high temperature. Further information on when a child is too ill for school or nursery is available. There is no requirement to be absent from school on a precautionary basis. School staff should continue to maintain their high expectations for face-to-face attendance. 

Good attendance starts at primary school - children who have attendance of 97% or above achieve better outcomes in school and have the best opportunities in their adult life.  


If you child misses school regularly, this will affect friendships as well as academic outcomes. It can be hard for a child who misses lots of school to form and maintain relationships with their classmates.


Being on time is also vital. Arriving late at school can be very disruptive for your child, their teacher and the other children in the class.

Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow!

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