Sarratt School Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you have all had a wonderful festive break and a positive start to 2022! The chilly temperatures have helped to get us all wide awake and back into the swing of things quickly here in school!

I would like to say a huge thank you to you for your generosity towards myself and the whole staff at Christmas. Your gifts and kind words in cards were appreciated so much by us all - it was quite overwhelming. I do love to read the children's cards - my personal favourite this year read, 'Thank you for bossing the school!'

Next week, we will be sharing the first of our Gold Book stars of 2022. Until then, there are just a few updates and important reminders in this week's Newsletter regarding changes to Covid Guidance, our packed lunch policy, clubs information and church news.

Have a restful weekend.

Warmest regards,

Nicola O'Hare

Head of School

Daisy-Rose's Charity Appeal

Our charity hero, Daisy-Rose, delivered the presents, kindly donated by staff and families, to the children on the Starfish Ward at Watford General Hospital. The staff an children were very appreciative of the kindness shown by Daisy-Rose and the school community.

A huge thank you to Daisy-Rose, her family and everyone who donated - this is definitely the true spirit of Christmas!

Covid - Important Information

Changes to Guidance on Testing

From 11 January in England, people who receive positive lateral flow device (LFD) test results for coronavirus (COVID-19) will be required to self-isolate immediately and won’t be required to take a confirmatory PCR test.

This is a temporary measure while COVID-19 rates remain high across the UK. Whilst levels of COVID-19 are high, the vast majority of people with positive LFD results can be confident that they have COVID-19.

Lateral flow tests are taken by people who do not have COVID-19 symptoms. Anyone who develops 1 of the 3 main COVID-19 symptoms should stay at home and self-isolate and take a PCR test. They must self-isolate if they get a positive test result, even if they have had a recent negative lateral flow test – these rules have not changed.

Self-Isolation Guidance

When staff and pupils return to school?

  • Staff and pupils can take an LFD test from 6 days after the day their symptoms started (or the day your test was taken if they did not have symptoms), and another LFD test on the following day. The second LFD test should be taken at least 24 hours later. If both these test results are negative, and they do not have a high temperature, they may end self-isolation immediately after the second negative test result.

  • They should stop testing after they have had 2 consecutive negative test results and can return to their education setting on the 7th day if they have tested negative in the morning.

Packed Lunch Policy

To keep packed lunches in line with the food based standards for school meals, packed lunches should not include:

· High fat, high salt/ high sugar snacks such as crisps* and sweet popcorn, or other high salt processed savoury snacks.

· Confectionery such as chocolate bars, chocolate-coated biscuits*, sweets and chewing gum.

· Chocolate spread, honey, jam or marmalade as a sandwich filling*.

· Fizzy / sugary drinks. This includes high sugar juices and soft drinks such as Capri Sun and Ribena.

Crisps, chocolate-coated biscuits and sweet sandwich fillings (no nuts) are allowed on a Friday only.

To read our Packed Lunch Policy, please visit our school website:


Church News

220109 Welcome Sheet.pdf