Sarratt School Newsletter

Courage   Compassion   Creativity

Dear Families, 

I hope you all had a lovely half term break!

In this week's newsletter there are details of upcoming events this half term ready to add to your calendars. As always, it's a jam packed Autumn Term 2 with lots of exciting events to look forward too. 

To help you plan, here's a break down of important things you need to know:

Monday 13th November is Odd Socks Day to launch anti-bullying week and celebrate what makes us all unique. Children come to school wearing odd socks with their normal uniform. No donations needed. 

Friday 17th November we will be celebrating Children in Need by 'Wearing Spots to Raise Lots!' Children are invited to come to school in non-uniform wearing or decorating themselves in spots! No donations will be taken by the school. Please make donations directly to the charity via text or the website:

Friday 24th November we will be having a non-uniform day in support of our Wonderful SPA. Please bring a bottle or box of chocolates to donate to the School Christmas Fair. 

Friday 1st December is our Christmas Fair. Please pick up children as normal then return to the main entrance at 3.30pm for all the festive fun including Father Christmas! 

In the final week of term we have all of our Christmas performances (see further details in the Dates section below). Tickets will be released next week - look out for an email with more information. 

Wednesday 13th December is Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch. Children come in normal uniform with the exception of their jumper or cardigan, wearing a festive replacement instead (festive headwear e.g. tinsel, hat, hairband... is also permitted encouraged!).

Thursday 14th is Panto Day! As it is an afternoon show, children will be returning back to school later at 4.30pm.

Friday 15th is our final day of term. School will close at 1.30pm for the Christmas Break. 

You will be able to follow all of the action via our new Instagram Page: launching next week!

In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the firework festivities! 

Nicola O'Hare

Head of School

Gold Book

Year 1

William is trying so hard in all of his lessons - particularly in Read, Write, Inc. He is sounding out independently and using his phonic knowledge in his reading and writing. What a Superstar!

Year 2

Amiyah ALWAYS tries her best to be her best! She works hard and never stops smiling  - a delight to have in the classroom. 

Year 3

Millie was a wonderful support to a new pupil in class. Millie was a great source of encouragement, kindness and support - even leading a school tour! We all know how helpful Millie is but she really went above and beyond!

Year 5

Alex is in the Gold Book for his fantastic reading - he is so quick and fluent. He also has lovely manners - always incredibly polite!

Zoe and Sam 

Zoe and Sam, our wonderful cooks, would like to enter Fadii into the Gold Book. His manners are immaculate - always a 'thank you very much' with a smile on his face! 

Core Value Ambassadors

Introducing our Core Value Ambassadors 23/24! First we have our Compassion Ambassadors leading on wellbeing - Savanna, Maggie and Jemima. Our Creativity Ambassadors - Albert, Leonie and Theo - will be taking a lead on Curriculum and Enrichment. Our Courage Ambassadors - Jaiden, Millie, Jack and Ronnie - will be leading Equity and Justice. Stand by for more information to follow about what they hope to achieve in their new role!

Milkshake and Cookies with Mrs O'Hare

This week I was joined by Theo, Alex, Oliver and Riley who have been recognised around school modelling our core values - well done super stars!

Year 3 Go Wild!

Achievements Outside of School

Well done Zach, in Year 1, who was recently awarded his red belt in karate and has worked very hard towards it! Fantastic Achievement! 

Another Big Well Done to Bonnie, Georgie, Levy, Letting and Jessica who all took part in a show during Half Term at Watford Boys with 'Collective Dance'. They all did amazing and had so much fun!


Thu 9th Nov

9am Remembrance Service for Children in School

Week beg. 13th Nov

Anti-Bullying Week

Mon 13th Nov

Odd Socks Day 

Fri 16th Nov

Children in Need - Wear Spots to Raise Lots!

Fri 24th Nov

Non-Uniform Day (Bring a bottle/ Chocolate)

Fri 1st Dec

SPA Christmas Fair

Mon 11th Dec

2.15pm Lower School Nativity Performance 

Tue 12th Dec

9.15am Lower School Nativity Performance 

2.15pm KS2 Christmas Performance

Wed 13th Dec

Christmas Jumper and Lunch Day

9.15am KS2 Christmas Performance

Thu 14th Dec

9am Christmas Service 

PM School Panto Visit (Children return to school @4.30pm)

Fri 15th Dec

AM Children to visit Walking Nativity

1.30pm School Close

Save the Date!

SPA Christmas Fair 

Friday 1st December 2023 3.30pm

Sarratt C of E Primary

SPA News

Looking for a quick half term project or a way to use up a glut of Halloween sweets?! Jazzy Jars for the Christmas Fair are back! 

1. Fill a clean, empty jam jar with something fun; it could be anything you like, maybe something yummy to eat (NO NUTS please), some fab stationery, some haberdashery or the ingredients to make something. Just do an internet search on ‘jazzy jars’ to get lots of inspiration. You can enter more than one if you are feeling productive! 

2. Decorate your jar however you like. 

3. Write/attach your house name (colour group for reception) to the jar. 

4. Bring your Jazzy Jars into the school office by Friday 10th November ready to be counted. 

5. Every entry will receive a house point. 

6. The jars will be available on a stall at the Christmas Fair – raising lots of money for the 


Many thanks, Sarratt Parents’ Association 

Do you have a business you would like to promote to the school community?

 Put your advert here for £25 per term

Contact the school office for more details 

Community News

Community Support in the Dacorum Area  


The latest ‘DSPL8 Parent/Carer Newsletter: Autumn Term’ & ‘Dacorum Parent/Carers courses and support' newsletters are available to download from our website via the following link:  


This fortnights newsletter includes: 


Dacorum Parent/Carer courses and support from various local providers: 


Please also follow our social media pages for the most recent updates:  




Kind Regards, 

DSPL 8 Team – Carole Hassell, Ruth Mason & Ashley Fabray 

Church News

 Paul’s churchyard working party – Tomorrow!

9am-1pm, St Paul’s invites you to come and get soggy tidying up the churchyard!  Lots to do including replanting a non-Box border around the New Memorial Garden.  Please bring rakes, spades, secateurs, gloves etc.

IN EXCHANGE- we give you breakfast butties and refreshments for as long as you can stay!



Have you got some spare time and enjoy keeping accounts?
St Paul’s Church is looking for a volunteer treasurer and would welcome your help.  Our current treasurer, who is retiring from the position in December, would be happy to show you 'the ropes'.  Please contact one of our churchwardens, Phil Waine, 077 7171 2636  or Judy Olney, 07958 377 622  if you think you can help.



Help 14th, 15th or 16th December – Walking Nativity

Could you spare an hour or so on any of the above dates. To help set up our walking nativity in Sarratt or man the ending place! Please contact us on either or 01923 264377 to find out more.


Important Reminders

Make sure your child comes to school with a water bottle each day. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a snack in the morning. Children in KS2 can bring a fruit or vegetable snack to school for playtime. 

If your child needs additional medication, please  fill in this form and drop it into the school office.

As autumn set in, please ensure your child has an outdoor jacket everyday. We always aim to have the children outside as much as possible during playtime and lunchtime.

The climbing frames are out of bounds before and after school. 

Online Safety

Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe from harm. 

We have security measures in place in school, which are constantly reviewed, to help safeguard pupils from any potential dangers. Online Safety is taught   to all pupils explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.


We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with you to ensure the e-safety message is consistent.  Your help is needed to talk to your children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.


Children are accessing a greater amount of content online, than we were ever exposed to in our childhood. Children can accidently or deliberately be exposed to   unwanted or unpleasant content or comments online and there are steps you can take at home to minimise this risk.

The NSPCC provide guidance on how to protect children online for parents including setting controls, talking to your child and how to report concerns.


Please click on the link below for the latest information from Herts CC for parents supporting online safety.


We have always prided ourselves on being an open and approachable school and believe that good communication with our families is important to the success of our school.

Class Whatsapp groups are a valuable platform for parents to share information, particularly for those families who are new to the school and have limited opportunities to interact in the playground. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any area of school life or would like to share important information regarding your child, we would ask you to speak to the school directly. There are very clear channels available for doing this, outlined on the parent information pages of our website. We are always here to listen and will endeavour to address any issues quickly and effectively. 

Below is the link to the list of who to contact should you need any information about a specific area of school life. Should you wish to raise any questions or concerns directly regarding your child, the class teacher is always the first point of contact. If you have spoken to the class teacher but feel the issue is not resolved or should you require further information, then please make an appointment to see the Phase Leader – Mrs Whittaker for Reception and KS1 children and Mrs Serby for KS2 children.


DFE advice:

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) advice remains clear that children can continue to attend as normal unless they are unwell and have a high temperature. Further information on when a child is too ill for school or nursery is available. There is no requirement to be absent from school on a precautionary basis. School staff should continue to maintain their high expectations for face-to-face attendance. 

Good attendance starts at primary school - children who have attendance of 97% or above achieve better outcomes in school and have the best opportunities in their adult life.  


If your child misses school regularly, this will affect friendships as well as academic outcomes. It can be hard for a child who misses lots of school to form and maintain relationships with their classmates.


Being on time is also vital. Arriving late at school can be very disruptive for your child, their teacher and the other children in the class.

Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow!