Sarratt School Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers,

The second week of Summer Term has felt more like Winter with chilly mornings and overcast days. We haven't let it dampen our spirits here. Year 4 manged to get out and about in the village and visit the Bluebell Woods, taking art materials with them to capture the beautiful scene.

As things begin to return to normal, we hope to have a lot more opportunities ahead where we can explore our beautiful surrounding areas.

In the meantime, let's see who has made it into Gold Book this week...

Warmest regards,

Nicola O'Hare

Gold Book


This week we have four entries for the Gold Book:

Amber - for working really hard with her reading.

Sienna- for extending her friendship group and exploring more activities.

Gracie- for engaging in more phonic activities in CHIL.

Archie Watts- enjoying looking at books and wanting to share with adults things he sees.

Year 1

The year One gold book entry this week goes to Iris. To conclude our topic on Space this week, we used our information and imagination to write our own story about An Adventure in Space. The story Iris wrote was full of suspense and imagery and we all enjoyed hearing it read aloud at story time later that day. Iris wrote over three pages and used correct punctuation including speech marks and exclamation marks. A wonderful piece of work Iris - very well done!

Year 2

This week's entry for Year 2 is Darcy. Darcy has used spectacular vocabulary to write a fantasy story about dragons, inspired by three different tales based on the legend of St George and the Dragon. Darcy has challenged herself to write expanded noun phrases and used narrative language to engage her reader. Well done Darcy, keep it up.

Year 3

Year 3 is filled with mixed emotions this week.

We are saddened, as the ever smiling and bubbly Lilly will be leaving Sarratt School today. However, we are looking forward to hearing about her amazing new school and all the friends and opportunities she will have there.

Here in Year 3, we thank you Lilly for the happy times you have given us, but we wish you all the best in your new adventure, you will be incredible.

In life, sometimes sadness and joy are very closely entwined as, purely coincidental, we are very fortunate to welcome a new member into our Year 3 team. Becky has joined us this week and has settled in immediately, making lifelong friends, helping our English by using amazing speech verbs (such as 'commanded'), aiding us in our maths (with her excellent times table understanding) and even taking part in an ancient Greek debate, in the agora (town centre), debating whether girls should be allowed to attend school (traditional in ancient Greece - not an option). Becky's excellent discussion points made, Greeks, definitely vote for girls to come to school!.

We look forward to learning more from Becky and seeing her grow at Sarratt School.

Lots of news from Year 3, as we also congratulate Freya for achieving her Pen License, for showing consistency with her handwriting and her spelling.

No need to panic if you have not achieved your pen license yet, we all learn at different rates, you will get yours soon, (I'm still not sure whether Mr Williams should have qualified for his pen license!)

Year 4

This week there are two entries for Year 4.

First, we have Bella. Bella has been on fire this week. she always works hard in class but this week in particular she has gone the extra mile. She is a great role model for others in school. Here she is with her bluebell artwork.

The second entry is Charlie. He has really excelled in maths this week, grasping new concepts and showing his understanding of them through the work he produces. Keep up the great work, Charlie!

Year 5

Our gold book entry this week is Reanna. She has been becoming more and more confident with her maths each day and almost always has her hand up to answer questions. All week she has been listening carefully, discussing her ideas and focusing well on her independent work. Well done Reanna!

Year 6

This week's entry into Gold Book is Archie. In English, we have been learning about the situation with refugees and Archie has shown incredible enthusiasm in developing his understanding, demonstrating compassion and empathy in every lesson. We are really pleased to have ignited a spark in his political and social views. Well done!

Summer Term Reminders

Although the weather has started a little chilly so far this Summer Term, it's never to early to start ensuring things are in place for sunny days.

On warmer days, please ensure your child comes in prepared with their water bottle, a hat and suncream.

If your child suffers from Hay Fever and needs additional medication, please fill in this form and drop it into the school office.

Up and Coming Events

Here are some details of things that will be happening in school over the coming weeks:

Tuesday 4th May: Year 3 Bible Presentation and lesson

Monday 10th May: KS2 live zoom event with Baroness Floella Benjamin

Week beginning 24th May: Feel Good Week - a week dedicated to health and well being including: skipping workshops, tennis coaching, Yoga sessions, healthy snack making, Boogie Bouncing and even Rollerskating!

Week beginning 24th May: Parent consultations to be held via video call

Church News

The weather one minute is so warm and the next so cold however, the May blossom on our trees definitely lifts the spirits... especially as the wonderful pubs and restaurants in our area offer the chance to meet again and have those garden chats we have all so missed.

We all continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers as we journey together through this season, we invite all over 13 to keep in touch with us online by joining our Facebook Instagram accounts via the church website.

Also via the website, there is still limited space available at either 9am in Sarratt or 10.30 am in Chipperfield this weekend .

Sending Love and Blessings