Sarratt School Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers,

The bitterly cold temperature and snowfall caused a little disruption to the beginning of week 4, with school opening delayed until mid morning. Thankfully we were all able to resume normal (as normal as we can call school at the moment) routines for the rest of the working week with temperatures on the up - long may it continue.

Four weeks into home schooling, there doesn't seem to be any slowing down to the level of engagement we are seeing. It is such a pleasure to dip into the Google Classrooms and see the messages coming into home learning email addresses with pictures and videos of our children's work. Keep up the wonderful work everyone and do get in touch with the team if you have any questions or concerns regarding home learning - from strategies to keep the children engaged to guidance on any lesson content. We understand the challenges of home schooling many of you are facing. As with the team here at school, I am sure this week's announcement on school reopening was not the news you wanted to hear. Please rest assured, you are all doing an amazing job - we really appreciate it and we are here to support.

We have had particularly positive feedback from parents and children about the increased opportunities for interaction between school and home through Google Meets, Story Times, Hangouts, Google Classroom and pre-recorded videos. As you can imagine, this is a big shift from the normal world of school particularly for our youngest years who learn so much through play and hands-on experience, an environment that cannot be recreated through screen. We are constantly reviewing our offer to make sure it is the best it can be for our children and families.

Please do keep your feedback coming in to let us know how everything is going. The teachers have been really encouraged by messages of support and appreciation this month - thank you for this feedback, it really does help lift spirits here in school.

Take care and stay safe.

Warmest regards,

Mrs O'Hare

Gold Book

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Untitled: Jan 29, 2021 12:00 PM.webm

Lower School Gold Book Upper School Gold Book

Jake's Rocket Launch

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Feel Good week

The last week of this half term (week beginning 8th January), we were planning to host a week of events, workshops and activities in school relating to well-being as part of Hertfordshire's Feel Good Week. While our original itinerary cannot go ahead as planned, we will still be marking this important week remotely. It is more crucial than ever that we go ahead with this week and help to raise the profile of positive mental health and all round wellbeing. We will be sending out further details next week to let you know how you can get involved.

In the meantime, here is something you may be interested in...

Relax Kids have come up with the perfect way to banish the lockdown blues and have some family fun with their DIY Disco. To find out more and join up for tonight's free event, go to:

Important Information

On Wednesday, the government announced that schools would remain closed to most pupils until the 8th March at the earliest. Further information can be found in the link below.

It is our greatest hope that we can get our children back in school at the earliest opportunity when it is safe to do so. Until then we will continue to support you and your child with home learning.


Education attendance restrictions to remain in place

Prime Minister confirms schools and colleges will not return to full face-to-face education after February half-term

Earlier this week, the DFE released a statement to say that all schools will be closed as normal to all children.for February Half-Term. We will remain contactable each day for the reporting of positive Covid cases. Should your child test positive for Covid during the holidays, please send an email to with the following information:

  • Name of child

  • Date of onset of symptoms (and type of symptoms)

  • Date of test and confirmation of a positive result

  • When the child was last in school

  • Confirmation that other close contacts outside of school are self isolating

  • Any contact with other groups/ children outside of school time

For the latest government guidance, please click on the link below.

Childhood Winter Illnesses – Knowing What To Do

Advice from Herts Valley NHS

Now we are in winter many children may be experiencing common illnesses like coughs and colds. We know that some parents and carers aren’t always sure what to do when their child is unwell. A new leaflet has been published to help them spot common winter illnesses and how they can treat their child at home.

It is also important they know where to go for medical advice when they need it and what to do in an emergency. We understand this can be a little confusing during the coronavirus pandemic. We’d like to reassure parents that the NHS is still providing safe care when they need it.

As well as providing clarity on where to go for medical advice, there is a host of information in the leaflet from how to treat colds and earache at home, to how to spot serious conditions such as meningitis and sepsis. There is also information on coronavirus.

Church News

This Sunday we will be celebrating Candlemas (or Presentation of Christ in the Temple).

It’s called Candlemas because traditionally it was the practice of Christian priests to bless candles on this day for use in church throughout the year.

It’s now 40 Days after the birth of Jesus, as was the Jewish custom, Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the Temple to honour the tradition of offering sacrifice in thanks for his birth.

This Sunday we will be trying something new – Café Style Service via Zoom. If you would like to be part of this please contact the church office

If you would like to use Zoom but are struggling with the IT side of it please do let us know how we can help you. There are many options and we are here to help you find the one which works for you.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Online Wildlife Events from Leavesden Country Park


My name is Emma Drake and I am the Park Ranger for Three Rivers District Council, based at Leavesden Country Park.

I wanted to bring your attention to a series of educational online workshops being run by Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust.

Set over the weeks leading up to half term, the sessions cover all manner of wildlife, such as Minibeasts and Winter Birds. Designed for children aged 5-10 to learn about and discover wildlife on their doorstep, they also have lots of resources and downloads accompanying the weekly themes.

Booking an event:

It’s free, but you’ll need to book your place online to watch on the day or afterwards at

Follow the link and click on “book your free place here”, choose the Wild at Home session and date you are interested in, then follow the prompts to put in your email address you would like the registration information sent to. Please note it’s only a suggested £5 donation and can be edited to your choosing.

I hope you enjoy this additional resource, please feel free to contact me if I can be of any further assistance.

Kind regards,

Emma Drake

Leavesden Country Park Ranger