Sarratt School Newsletter

Our Outdoor Classroom Vision

Dear Parents and Carers,

Yesterday we launched a campaign to raise funds for an Outdoor Classroom in the garden area outside the Y3 and Y4 classrooms. Less than 24 hours in and we have secured 10% of the money needed to provide the surfacing and fencing. Thank you to all of the families who have contributed so far.

We do hope to exceed this total and provide quality furnishing and resources to make our outdoor learning provision a success and accessible for all children. We have long since seen the benefit of this in our early years children and hope to use the expertise and experience we have in our team to roll this out further up the school.

To contribute, simply login to the Parentmail Shop.

Next Wednesday, on the last day of term, we will be having a fundraising day to contribute further to this project. For 1 day only, children will be encouraged to break some school rules (for a financial penalty!). See more details below!

As always we value your support and contribution to making our school the best it can be for our children.

Warmest regards,

Nicola O'Hare

Gold Book


This week all of our Reception children have made it into Gold Book for settling back into class, remembering routines and trying their best in their learning.

Year 1

The Year One gold book entry is going to Blake this week. Blake worked so hard on his home learning recently and he has come back to school completely ready to continue his learning journey in class. Well done Blake - you should be very proud of this achievement.

Year 2

Savanna is Year Two's entry this week. Savanna has persevered with her maths and has successfully completed the independent tasks relating multiplication to division. Savanna broke out into a little victory dance when she realised that not only could she do it, but she could support others! We are very proud of you Savanna - keep it up!

Year 3

Here in Year 3, the weeks are flying past! We had another eventful few days of discovery, including; visiting and walking around Pompeii (virtually), marvelling in the preserved beauty, whilst acknowledging the tragic devastation from Mount Vesuvius (which the Pompeians shockingly called: Their Great Protector). We have also been constructing our own volcanoes, ready for erupting next week!

Due to us all becoming volcanologists and experts in everything volcanoes, we are currently writing our own individual non-fiction texts about the aspects of these natural disasters we are most intrigued by. We have been focusing on extending our ideas to add information and flesh out our sentences and paragraphs to be both descriptive and informative for the reader; using adverbs, conjunctions and subject specific language. Our Gold Book entrants this week have written some expertly constructed and curated sentences...

This week our Gold Book entries are; Freddie and Massimo, please read their sentences and tell me, whether or not you would want to read a whole non-fiction book about volcanoes from these two, because I think these ooze professionalism and technical descriptions from two chaps who obviously know their stuff ....

Freddie - Under the subheading: 'Are Volcanoes Harmful?' 'A volcano erupts with power. Explosions from a volcano can be heard from thousands of miles away. People and animals get poisoned from the hot burning gas. Lava streams burning and destroying peoples homes as if there was nothing there!'

Massimo - Under the subheading: 'What Volcanoes Do.' 'Under our feet is boiling hot molten rock that tries to squeeze through any cracks in Earth's crust. A volcano erupts! Lava shoots out of a volcano. Lava rushes down a volcano!'

Fabulous writing from these two chaps and the class as a whole! I look forward to reading more of their non-fiction texts and being taught even more about these destructive phenomena. Congratulations also to Massimo for working very hard and completing his Grade 1 in piano! Well done.

Thank you also to Amelia and Maddison for their amazing volcanic creations.

Year 4

Year 4 have all worked hard again this week but there are 4 people to mention in particular:

Eve - she has shown a wonderful tenacity in her work this week but in particular this has shined through in her English when we were writing a postcard home in role as Charlie Small. Eve has managed to capture Charlie's personality and develop her own authorial voice in this piece of writing. With great pride, Eve shared her writing with everyone in class and we all agreed that it was a fabulous piece of writing. It is great fun and well put together. Well done, Eve.

Ivy - She has also been writing in role as Charlie and use the opportunity to write very vivid noun phrases within her postcard. Not only that, Ivy thought carefully about her verb choice, which meant that everything she wrote formed a clear picture in the mind of the reader. Excellent work, Ivy.

Leaf - All of Leaf's learning has moved up a gear since returning to school. Her confidence and determination to learn shines every day. This is reflected this week in all of her learning - it is impossible to choose one particular area. She is writing beautifully, contributing thoughtfully to discussions, thinking carefully about her maths as well as listening closely to the new Spanish challenges we are undertaking. Well done, Leaf. Excellent work.

Tom - Tom has returned to school with a new, efficient style about him which has resulted in him always being ready to learn. He is listening carefully to instructions and is completing tasks quickly and in a well-ordered manner. He is thinking about his presentation and trying hard to ensure that everything is complete and correct before the lesson has ended. Keep up the good work, Tom.

Year 5

I have two children who have really wowed me this week. Firstly, Oscar is very careful and strategic in his thinking, particularly when facing more complex problems. It is wonderful to hear him explaining his ideas to the class in such detail. This has been particularly beneficial in our Shakespeare unit, where Oscar has been able to develop aspects of characterisation through what the characters say and do, as well as decode some more tricky Shakespearean phrases. He even recalled a new word which he had discovered in his reading and was able to use this effectively in his own writing.

Ayda has also had an excellent week in our Shakespeare unit. She is becoming a much more confident writer and has also been developing characterisation. Here is an extract of her writing about Macbeth:

'Macbeth paced away from the hired thug, looking at the floor like it was going to swallow him up. Grinding his teeth to the beat of his step. Banging his hands on his face faster and faster.'

Year 6

Bliss is our first entry this week for trying really hard to improve her attitude towards her learning. She's becoming more enthusiastic about taking on new challenges and is gaining confidence sharing her ideas in class.

Our second entry this week is Henry who asked some really challenging questions during our debate on Wednesday, "Should Victor Frankenstein create a second creature as a companion?" His questioning helped make the debate interesting and kept the opposition on their toes!

Breakfast Club and After School Activities in Summer

Start the morning in a positive way!

Breakfast and Homework club is back and taking bookings for Summer Term. Club begins at 7.45am. At the moment we run Monday to Thursday but please let us know if you would require Friday when booking.

Sessions are only £6 per child including a healthy breakfast.

To book a place, contact Miss Presswell at the school office by the end of next week.


01923 262003

After School Clubs

Next Term we will be offering after school clubs for the first time in over a year! We are so happy to see this resuming and hop to be running a full schedule soon. The first clubs to restart will all be held outdoors.

Here are details of our programme starting in April:

Tuesdays: Boogie Bounce with Laura (Year 3 and Year 4)

Wednesday: Bokeh Juniors Photography Club with Mr Kelly (KS2)

Thursday: Netball with Miss Hier (Year 5 and Year 6)

Friday: Football with 1st Touch (Year 1- Year 6)

A Parentmail has been sent out with details of how to book. each club.

Church News

I do hope you are all well. Last week at the family service we especially prayed for the challenges of our school's children and continue to do so.

This week will be Palm Sunday and the recorded service will be via:

Blessed Palm crosses are available from the porch of Sarratt Church and by the Parish Room door in Chipperfield

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend

Every blessing

Summer Concerts Poster.pdf


Dacorum Online Parenting Course Brochure - Summer 2021.pdf

Easter Activities

Chorelywood Tennis Club Easter Camps

CW Tennis Club are offering Easter Camps for children. Parents can book Tennis Pods (a group of up to 6 children) for a coaching session with one of the clubs expert tennis coaches. The cost for 1 pod of six to receive a 2 hour session works out at only approximately £8.50 per hour/per child.

To find out more visit:

We hope to do more in partnership with the club in the coming months and years. Mr Tarak, husband of our very own Mrs Tarak, is the newly appointed Junior Secretary for the club, with responsibility for mini and junior tennis.

We have the right school colours for tennis so watch this space!

Communication for Parents & Carers - 24.03.2021.pdf
QUIZ POSTER final.pdf


Don't forget to order your school lunch through School Grid

Important Reminder on Packed Lunch Policy

To keep packed lunches in line with the food based standards for school meals, packed lunches should not include:

· High fat, high salt/ high sugar snacks such as crisps* and sweet popcorn, or other high salt processed savoury snacks

· Confectionery such as chocolate bars, chocolate-coated biscuits*, sweets and chewing gum

· Chocolate spread, honey, jam or marmalade as a sandwich filling

· Fizzy / sugary drinks. This includes high sugar juices and soft drinks such as Capri Sun and Ribena

*Crisps and chocolate -coated biscuits are allowed on a Friday only


The following website contain fantastic ideas for exciting and healthy lunches

Important Information

Hertfordshire County Council has asked us to share this important update with you ahead of the Easter holidays:

As we go into the Easter holidays, and some Government guidance changes around socialising outside and outdoor sport, it’s so important that we don’t let our guard down and increase the risk of Covid-19 outbreaks when schools return.

From Monday 29 March, you can;

Meet up outside (including in private gardens) with six other people, or as two households

Take part in formally organised outdoor sports with any number of people (outdoor sports venues and facilities will be able to reopen)

Childcare and supervised activities will be allowed outdoors for all children

You and your family can continue to keep yourselves and others safe by:

Washing your hands regularly, for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water or using an antibacterial hand sanitiser if soap and water isn’t available

Keeping socially distanced, staying at least 2 metres away from those not in your immediate household

Wearing a face-covering where required and when it is difficult to socially distance

Self-isolating and getting tested if you develop symptoms or receive a positive lateral flow test (LFT) result

Not socialising indoors with anyone who isn’t in your immediate household. You’re not allowed to have sleepovers or playdates, even if your child is in a school bubble

Not sending children back to school ill or with symptoms of Covid-19 after the Easter break – if your child is sick, please keep them at home

Babies and children in early years settings, nurseries, infant and primary schools should not be taking LFT, please don’t do home tests on younger children. If you are worried about small children or they develop symptoms, please seek advice from your GP or call 111.

Thank you again for playing your part and helping to keep our schools safe and open for face to face learning.

We wish you all a safe and happy Easter.

Hertfordshire County Council