Sarratt School Newsletter

Courage   Compassion   Creativity

Dear Families, 

Hola Mexico!

We've had a wonderful end to the week celebrating all things Mexico - from the traditions to the artwork and even some delicious food! This was part of our annual Languages Week - a week in which we select a Spanish Speaking Country to learn about and celebrate. Our language expert, Mrs Lamb, really goes to town each year, and this year she did not disappoint - the children (and adults) all had a fabulous time engaging in the learning - Estupendo!

There was no Gold Book this week to allow for our Language Week events, but we will be back next week for our first Gold Book of February 2024. 

Warmest regards,

Nicola O'Hare

Head of School

PS: Check out our new Instagram Account for Updates on the School and Individual Classes.


Anti-Bullying Week

Celebrating our wonderful selves in School as part of Anti-Bullying Week!

The School ambassadors led the way this week in spreading the message for all to, 'Make a Noise About Bullying!'. 

The Anti-Bullying Alliance co-ordinate a week each November in leading the way to tackle bullying and create safer environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn. 

This year's message encourages everyone to make a stand through their message below...


“Too often, we are silent when we see bullying take place, silent about the hurt bullying causes, and silent when we hear bullying dismissed as ‘just banter’. 

It doesn’t have to be this way.

 Of course, we won’t like everyone and we don’t always agree, but we can choose respect and unity. 

This Anti-Bullying Week let’s come together to have discussions about what bullying means to us, how banter can turn into something more hurtful, and what we can do to stop bullying. Together, we can make a difference and take a stand against bullying. 

From the playground to Parliament, and from our phones to our homes, let’s make a noise about bullying."

Special Mention

A big well done and congratulations to Maisie and Freya for their entrepreneurial endeavours last week. All of Year 6 are currently undertaking the 'Make £5 Grow' challenge to raise money towards their Year 6 Residential Trip to Skern Lodge in Devon. The pair made and sold their own treats, pencil cases and bags (I am proudly sporting my very own Sarratt School Tote Bag!) and raised £131!

Well done Girls!

Look out for more events and sales from our Year 6....

Junior Journalists

In their latest blog, Our Year 5 Junior Journalists (Rafi, Darcy and Dylan) interviewed our PE Ambassadors. 

What made you want to be a PE ambassador?

Collective: We like playing sports, so therefore we like helping other people play new sports.  

Maddison: I like playing sports because it makes me active. 

Quin: I love sports!

Freddie: I like helping People.

Amelia: I like playing sports and love helping other people to achieve their goals.

Maisey: I love sports and so I want to share that ability with my friends.

What is your favourite sport? 

Amelia: Gymnastics. 

Quin: Cricket.

Freddie : Football and golf. 

Maddison: horse riding and football.

Maisey: hockey and football.

What is your favourite thing about PE in school?

Collective: To do sports with are friends, and learn new things about PE with are friends.                                                                              

Maddison: being active.

Maisey: Being able to learn new things.

Quin: trying new sports.

Freddie: learning new things.

Amelia: I like to be active, learn different sports and other abilities. 


What can we expect of you as a PE ambassador?

Collective: To be able to teach you new things you can all so trust the other 

Pe ambasados. 

Maddison: i will be kind. 

Quin: to set out the PE.

Freddie: To help people.

Amelia: We can teach you new sports and help you in different activities. 

Maisey: To be able to encourage people to learn and try new sports

Go Team Books!

We are Go Team Books, a group of Year 4 boys, and we have been given the responsibility to get the Telephone Box Book Swap up and running.  We would be grateful, therefore, if you could donate one book from your child's age group for us to put into the Book Swap Library. 

Once the library is up and running, the aim is for every book borrowed to be replaced by another book from a similar age group. To start with, we will have a timetable for each class to use the library at the end of the day. This will be as follows:

Monday 3:00 - 3:20 - Year 6 & 5

Tuesday 3:00 - 3:20 - Year 4 & 3

Wednesday 3:00 - 3:20 - Year 2

Thursday 3:00 - 3:20 - Year 1

Friday 3:00 - 3:20 - Reception

Year 6 Athletics

Thursday afternoon Year 6 took part in the Three Rivers and Watford School Sports Partnership Indoor Athletics Festival at St Clement Danes School competing in both track and field events. The Girls team placed first and advance to the finals in February. Our Boys team also did well and placed second.


Wed 31st  January Y6 Holocaust Outreach Visit

Week beg. 19th February Half Term 

Mon 26th and Tues 27th February Parent Consultations

Thu 7th March World Book Day

Thu 28th March 1.30pm School Closes for Easter

Save The Dates

SPA Quiz Night

Friday 15th March from 7pm

Sarratt Village Hall

SPA/ School Easter Discos

 Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th March

More information to follow

Spring Term PE Days

Reception - Thursday

Y1 - Monday and Thursday

Y2 - Monday and Friday

Y3 - Monday and Tuesday (wear PE kit and bring a Swimming kit)

Y4 - Tuesday and Friday

Y5 - Monday and Thursday

Y6 - Tuesday and Thursday

Sunset and Sunrise Holiday Club

The Sunrise & Sunset Club are running a HOLIDAY CLUBS this Spring Half Term in CHORLEYWOOD near the Common. They offer an intimate, nurturing, free play environment where we encourage the children to play OUTDOORS. We have an experienced & caring team. BOOKED ON OR BEFORE THIS SUNDAY GET 10% EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT. For more information go to their website


SPA News

Church News


Have you got some spare time please to help Holy Cross?

We are looking for a secretary please. The position involves attending the Standing Committee to plan the PCC agenda, taking the minutes of the PCC meetings (approx. 5 meetings per year) and supporting the preparation of the APCM. Rest assured that no previous experience is required and you will be helped to settle in. Please email the Benefice Office on if you are interested, or simply wish to chat the position through first.


Community News

Support our Campaign for Clean Air

Please do not leave your engine idling at drop off and pick up times. Exhaust fumes can cause significant health risks to our children and community. 

Community Support in the Dacorum Area  

DSPL8 Parent/Carer Newsletter; Dacorum SEND courses, support & information for families 


The latest ‘DSPL8 Parent/Carer Newsletter: Spring Term’ & ‘Dacorum Parent/Carers courses and support' newsletters are available to download from our website via the following link:  


This fortnights newsletter includes: 


Dacorum Parent/Carer courses and support from various local providers: 


Please also follow our social media pages for the most recent updates:  




Important Reminders


Long Hair (below shoulder length) must be tied up for school (i.e. in a ponytail, bun or plait). Any hair decoration must be discrete and in school colours.


Jewellery is limited to a watch and small ear studs only. Earrings must be removed on PE days


Make-up and Nail Varnish are not permitted. 


On non-PE days, children must come to school in full uniform including black school shoes or boots (not UGG Boots). On wet/ icy days, children can bring a change of footwear for school if necessary. Please ensure your child has an outdoor jacket everyday. We always aim to have the children outside as much as possible during playtime and lunchtime.


The beginning of the day is an important time in school. Please ensure that children are in school by 8.50am when the gates close.

Snacks and Water

Make sure your child comes to school with a water bottle each day. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a snack in the morning. Children in KS2 can bring a fruit or vegetable snack to school for playtime. 


If your child needs additional medication, please  fill in this form and drop it into the school office. 

Request for school to administer medication form

Health and Safety

The climbing frames are out of bounds before and after school. When entering the school via the main gates, please use the path to the side of the carpark. Please park considerately and turn-engines off when dropping off and picking up. 

Online Safety

Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe from harm. 

We have security measures in place in school, which are constantly reviewed, to help safeguard pupils from any potential dangers. Online Safety is taught   to all pupils explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.


We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with you to ensure the e-safety message is consistent.  Your help is needed to talk to your children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.


Children are accessing a greater amount of content online, than we were ever exposed to in our childhood. Children can accidently or deliberately be exposed to   unwanted or unpleasant content or comments online and there are steps you can take at home to minimise this risk.

The NSPCC provide guidance on how to protect children online for parents including setting controls, talking to your child and how to report concerns.


We have always prided ourselves on being an open and approachable school and believe that good communication with our families is important to the success of our school.

Class Whatsapp groups are a valuable platform for parents to share information, particularly for those families who are new to the school and have limited opportunities to interact in the playground. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any area of school life or would like to share important information regarding your child, we would ask you to speak to the school directly. There are very clear channels available for doing this, outlined on the parent information pages of our website. We are always here to listen and will endeavour to address any issues quickly and effectively. 

Below is the link to the list of who to contact should you need any information about a specific area of school life. Should you wish to raise any questions or concerns directly regarding your child, the class teacher is always the first point of contact. If you have spoken to the class teacher but feel the issue is not resolved or should you require further information, then please make an appointment to see the Phase Leader – Mrs Whittaker for Reception and KS1 children and Mrs Serby for KS2 children.


DFE advice:

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) advice remains clear that children can continue to attend as normal unless they are unwell and have a high temperature. Further information on when a child is too ill for school or nursery is available. There is no requirement to be absent from school on a precautionary basis. School staff should continue to maintain their high expectations for face-to-face attendance. 

Good attendance starts at primary school - children who have attendance of 97% or above achieve better outcomes in school and have the best opportunities in their adult life.  


If your child misses school regularly, this will affect friendships as well as academic outcomes. It can be hard for a child who misses lots of school to form and maintain relationships with their classmates.


Being on time is also vital. Arriving late at school can be very disruptive for your child, their teacher and the other children in the class.

Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow!


Do you have a business you would like to promote to the school community?

 Put your advert here for £25 per term

Contact the school office for more details