Sarratt School Newsletter

Courage Compassion Creativity

Dear Families,

We Kicked off this week with a Special School Assembly to get everyone excited about the World Cup! A representative from each class drew four countries from a pot to support during the tournament, with different staff teams taking the remaining four. The winners of the world cup draw will receive a bonus Sport Session in the New Year of their choice!

On Tuesday, all our classes had the opportunity to take part in football sessions with Deniz, our team football coach. They even had the opportunity to hold the World Cup Trophy!

With the normal festivities and the World Cup, it's set to be an exciting end of term!

Warmest regards,

Nicola O'Hare

Head of School

PS Don't forget to follow us on Twitter

Spotted in Sarratt...

Football fever grips the school!

Gold Book

Congratulations to all of our Gold Book Entries this week - here they are...

Year 1:

Harley has shown resilience and perseverance, tackling independent tasks with increasing confidence.

Year 2:

Stirling has shown consistent progress throughout this term, always trying his best.

Year 3:

Blake is in the Gold Book for his superb use of adverbs in English - he demonstrate walking aggressively and described a volcano as erupting violently!

Year 4:

Marah show a fantastic attitude to her learning - always making the right choices and being a role model to others.

In the pool, Hannah has been a superstar - working so hard to gain water confidence!

Year 5:

Albert's survival guide went down a storm in the Sahara on Mrs Lamb's trek - it was read to the group by Giovanna Fletcher who had everyone in stitches!

Year 6:

Sophie always gives her all in each lesson - keen, engaged and focused. She is a pleasure to teach!

Y5 Fun Run

Year 5 impressed Mrs Lamb with their efforts in the Fun Run yesterday at Chorleywood.

Congratulations to Becky, Maisey, Amelia, Jemma, Finn and Robbie for finishing in the top 10!


Fri 2nd Dec

3.30pm Christmas Fair

Wed 7th Dec

Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day

Sun 11th Dec

2.30pm Carols on The Green

Mon 12th Dec

pm Lower School Nativity

Tue 13th Dec

am Lower School Nativity

pm Upper School Christmas Performance

Wed 14th Dec

am Upper School Christmas Performance

Fri 16th Dec

Watford Palace Theatre Panto

School to finish at 2.00pm

SPA News

We are excited that this year promises to be the first year of normal fundraising events for 3 years and sees the return of the Christmas Fair on Friday 2nd December 3.30-5.30. Santa’s Grotto, food and refreshments, craft stalls, festive activities for children, bottle and teddy tombolas and lots more!

To help make this event a success, we would appreciate donations (to the office) of the following:

  • Cakes - paper plates will be sent out on Friday 25th for return on Friday 2nd

  • Hamper raffle donations - each year has been given a theme (see your whatsapp group for details) which will then be mixed to create hampers or alternatively, contribute £3 in lieu of an item.

We appreciate that this year more than ever that (multiple) donations may be too much of a stretch for some so please do support in any way you can, e.g. coming to the fair and helping out on a stall.

Thank you again for all your support,

Sarratt Parents' Association

Please remember to use easyfundraising every time you shop online. Over 7,000 brands will donate to us, including all the big names. This means you can raise FREE donations for us no matter what you buy. To date it has raised £2720 for the school.

If you haven’t signed up to support us yet, it’s easy and completely free. There is now a new feature that you can set to remind you when you visit websites registered with easyfundraising.

You can find our easyfundraising page here:

Thank you

Thanks to the generous donations of parents and the SPA, the music and play therapy room is looking much more colourful and inviting.

Community News

Here you will find news of up coming events and community support in the local area.


Fabulous stalls for all of your gifts, crafts, wreaths, jewellery and cards.

The Great Barn, Micklefield Hall, Sarratt Road, WD3 6AQ

Thursday 1st December 2022 5pm to 8.30pm

Admission: £10 in advance - £12 on the door - children free

Wine, mince pies and sausages plus live music all included in the ticket price

Buy your tickets online: also available from Sarratt Village Shop

******** Everyone welcome - please bring your family and friends! ********

Church News

HOLY CROSS TRAVELLING CRIB - Can you offer Mary and Joseph a room for the night?

Holy Cross Travelling Crib is a lovely way to remember the meaning of Christmas by hosting the nativity characters for a night and helping them on their journey the next day. The Travelling Crib basket includes ornamental figures of Mary, Joseph and a donkey, a candle, prayer leaflet and The First Christmas Story booklet to help your family make the most of the experience.

The first family will take the Travelling Crib from Messy Church in Sarratt Village Hall on Sunday 27th November and the last family will bring it to Holy Cross in time for the Christmas Eve Crib Service at 3pm. You are very welcome at both these services.

How can my family be involved?

If you would like the Travelling Crib to visit your home one night in Advent, please contact Jeannie: , 01923 260295 or 07939 539816. You will be contacted by the person before you on the list to arrange a mutually convenient time for you to receive the Crib. You will also be given the name, address and contact details of the next family on the list so that you can transport the Crib to them.

Important Reminders

Make sure your child comes to school with a water bottle each day. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a snack in the morning. Children in KS2 can bring a fruit or vegetable snack to school for playtime.

If your child needs additional medication, please fill in this form and drop it into the school office.

Please ensure your child has an outdoor jacket everyday. We always aim to have the children outside as much as possible during playtime and lunchtime.

The climbing frames are out of bounds before and after school.


We have always prided ourselves on being an open and approachable school and believe that good communication with our families is important to the success of our school.

Class Whatsapp groups are a valuable platform for parents to share information, particularly for those families who are new to the school and have limited opportunities to interact in the playground. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any area of school life or would like to share important information regarding your child, we would ask you to speak to the school directly. There are very clear channels available for doing this, outlined on the parent information pages of our website. We are always here to listen and will endeavour to address any issues quickly and effectively.

Below is the link to the list of who to contact should you need any information about a specific area of school life. Should you wish to raise any questions or concerns directly regarding your child, the class teacher is always the first point of contact. If you have spoken to the class teacher but feel the issue is not resolved or should you require further information, then please make an appointment to see the Phase Leader – Mrs Whittaker for Reception and KS1 children and Mrs Dames for KS2 children.

Wellbeing and Family Support

DSPL8 Parent/Carer Communication; Dacorum SEND courses, support & information for families

The latest ‘DSPL8 Parent/Carer communication: Autumn Term’ & ‘Dacorum Parent/Carers courses and support' newsletters are available to download from our website via the following link:

This fortnights communication includes:

  • Raise Resilience Course by Bounce Forward: 15.11.22-01.12.22

  • ADD-vance Mini Consultations: 07.12.2022

  • Herts Parent Carer Involvement (HPCI) SEND Survey

  • Money Advice and Mental Health support

  • Dacorum Parent/Carer courses and support from various local providers

Please also follow our social media pages for the most recent updates:



Kind Regards,

DSPL 8 Team – Carole Hassell, Ruth Mason & Ashley Fabray

Uniform Exchange

One of our wonderful parents has set up a Facebook page to exchange uniform items that are no longer needed. If your child has outgrown their uniform or you are looking for additional items then this is the place for you. click on the link below to go to the page. Please contact the school office for more details.


Watford Winter magazine

It’s packed full of information around Christmas including pantos, visiting Santa, grottos, light trails as well as lots of activities, clubs, camps and classes to keep the kids entertained throughout the festive period.

Edge Football Academy

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We at EDGE FA stand for Elite, Development, Grassroots and Education. We provide different access routes into football from a beginner at grassroots or already played the game at an elite level, player development is fundamental and a core focus throughout our academy. All players will progress and gain further football knowledge as they grow.

We provide football sessions in a safe, fun and engaging environment. Our experienced coaches enable us to provide high class sessions across each phase of EDGE FA.

We are excited to announce a fantastic opportunity for your child to receive a free football training session. We are also offering additional opportunities for matches and individual training.

If this is something your child would be interested in, please contact us to book your free training session.

Kind regards,

Phil Gridelet

Programme Director