Sarratt School Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers,

We've had a lovely week in the sunshine here at school. On Tuesday we were very lucky to welcome live musicians into school for a wonderful performance of piano and violin music. The visit was part of the annual Sarratt Festival of Music. We missed out on this wonderful experience last year so this made it even more special. We are really looking forward to welcoming more visitors into school this year.

We are also looking forward to getting out and about. Next week, children in Year 1 to Year 6 will be heading to Holy Cross Church to celebrate Harvest Festival with Reverend Michelle. This year, the trip to church also involves having a picnic lunch and sharing homemade bread in the church grounds. Reception class will have a visit from Reverend Michelle too.

Normally we would be holding a collection for the local foodbank for Harvest. This year however, we have been contacted by our partners at Rickmansworth who have asked local schools not to do this as stock levels are good. If this changes over the winter and festive season, we may hold the collection at a later date. Over the course of the year, we like to support different local, national and international charities through various fundraising events. Today we are holding our bake sale for MacMillan Cancer Care and next half term we will be supporting Children in Need with a dress up day of fun. Supporting the local foodbank and the families it serves is something we feel very strongly about. If you should ever need the help of the foodbank, please do contact me to collect a voucher.

This half term, we have been looking at the value of generosity in collective worship. You will see that this has prompted many of our Gold Book entries this week. Here they are...

Warmest regards,

Nicola O'Hare

Head of School

Gold Book


Reception Gold book this week is Jessica - she has worked SO hard on her watercolour painting. She drew and painted, included detail, lots of colours and really persevered to ensure it was a good piece of work.

We used her work as a good example for others.

Well done Jessica!

Year 1

In our class worship this week we looked at the story of Jesus Feeding the 5000. We discussed the generosity of the boy in offering to share his food with the crowd of people listening to Jesus. Emilia immediately said that sharing and helping others was the right thing to do. This understanding of the needs of others is reflected in how Emilia treats her classmates. Well done Emilia.

Year 2

The year two gold book entry this week is going to Arlo. As part of our focus value for this half term - Generosity - we read the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. During our class discussion, Arlo made a lovely observation and said, "The boy was being generous because he shared his five bits of bread and two fish with 5000 people." This showed that Arlo had really understood the meaning of the word 'generous' and that led to further and deeper discussions within the class. Thank you Arlo.

Year 3

This week's first Year 3 Gold Book entry was nominated not only by myself but also by Mrs Kelly who noticed this person being a fabulous role model to others at lunchtime. Here's what she said.

I would like to nominate Rafi from Year 3 to go into this week's gold book. Towards the end of every lunchtime he tidies away the play equipment without any prompting. He generously gives up his lunchtime to be helpful and there is no expectation of praise. An absolute credit!

Well done Rafi!

Secondly, we have Tanya. Tanya is a model student in Year 3. She is a thoughtful student and conscientiously completes every task. Testing her ideas on her whiteboard and testing concepts with table partners to solidify her understanding. Despite having a beautifully delicate voice, Tanya loves to share her ideas with the class with her hand shooting up ready to give it a go and amaze us with her thinking. This sharing and willingness to participate links to our core value of Generosity as Tanya allows others to magpie and build on the groundwork she has made. Tanya displays perfectly that the classroom is a collaborative environment and her attentiveness and enthusiasm is making our team even better. Congratulations Tanya and we look forward to following your example in the terms to come.

Year 4

This week we would like to put Leonie in the Gold book for her wonderful acting. We have been discussing and becoming the ancient gods of Rome and Leonie has been able to go from the mighty Jupiter to the fiery Juno in the blink of an eye. Watch out for her Mars impression, she becomes terrifying! This embodiment was then transferred into her writing where she captured Mars's personality perfectly. She was able to be pompous and vain, just like Mars as well as threatening everyone to any kind of fight! Well done, Leonie. It is great to see this dramatic side to you.

Year 5

We have been discussing our core value of generosity in class this week and thinking about the role it plays in maintaining positive relationships with our friends. It has been such a tricky decision as we have so many small acts of generosity each day. However, I think we can all agree that a member of our class who consistently shares this value with her friends and members of staff around the school is Izzy. It has been noticed so much so that she has even been nominated for the gold book this week by her classmates. Well done Izzy - you are a wonderful role model to us all!

Year 6

There have been so many lovely examples of generosity in Year 6 this week, which has been so lovely to see. Nell has demonstrated patience and generosity with her time, supporting others during maths lessons. Her sense of humour is refreshing and it's lovely having her smile light up the classroom. Thank you Nell!

Year 1 Super Hero Day

It was a very strange register call today in Year 1! The children all dressed up as Superheroes as part of their Cornerstones Curriculum topic - even Mrs Whittaker and Mrs Bailey gor involved!

School Dinners

Parent Voice

One of our school priorities this year is to develop our Church School Distinctiveness and our School Vision. As part of this we are gathering the thoughts of our whole school community; parent, staff, governors and children. We all play an important part in shaping the direction of the school and we value your input on this. Please click on the link below to access the questionnaire.

Church News

Here's what's happening at Holy Cross Church.

HC Harvest poster.pdf

Community News

Here is a link to Autumn's issue of Raring2go! Watford. It has lots of ideas for the whole family, covering the October half-term, Halloween and bonfire night:

pop-up community cafe Oct poster.pdf
Autumn Concerts Poster (1).pdf
HHCMF Family Concert Flyer 2-10-21.pdf

Wellbeing and Family Support

We can all have a wobble from time to time and our children are no different. Changes in routines, uncertainty and tackling new challenges can knock confidence and trigger anxious feelings. At school, our staff are here to support. We have a designated Well Being Team leading strategies and programmes to allow our children to thrive at school.

To find out more visit the school website:

If you feel that your child is in need of additional support, please contact the class teacher or Mrs O'Hare.

Click on the buttons below for further information about additional support available to families in the community.


Make sure your child comes to school with a water bottle each day. This should contain water only. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a snack in the morning. Children in KS2 can bring a fruit or vegetable snack to school for playtime.

If your child needs additional medication, please fill in this form and drop it into the school office.

Please ensure your child has an outdoor jacket everyday. We always aim to have the children outside as much as possible during playtime and lunchtime.

The climbing frames are out of bounds before and after school.