Sarratt School Newsletter

Courage   Compassion   Creativity

Dear Families, 

Happy Ancient Civilisation Day - a day of dedicated history learning in KS2 with a focus on different historical periods from each year groups programme of study. We had a Roman Year 4, an Egyptian Year 5 and a Mexican Year 6! 

It rounds off a great final week of half term with lots going on from Drama Workshops to Seasonal celebrations in After School Club! We were also introduced to our new Junior Journalists from Year 5 - we'll hear lots more from them throughout the year as they report on events and news in school. 

In the meantime, have a wonderful half term break and we will see you all on Monday 30th October. 

Warmest regards,

Nicola O'Hare

Head of School

Ancient Civilisation Day Photos

Gold Book

Year 1

Jessica never gives up! In every lesson she perseveres until she gets there (with a fantastic smile)! Keep it up Jessica!

Year 2

Olivia has also been persevering in maths. Her 'have-a-go' attitude means she tackles new challenges with a big smile and buckets of determination!

Oscar has been showing off his fantastic reading skills and volunteering his ideas and opinions in class discussions - well done Oscar!

Year 3

Levy is in the Gold Book for his excellent and confident reading - he is beginning to experiment with expression and pace, becoming a fluent reader. Well done!  

Year 5

Hattie has a lovely presence in the classroom - always doing her best and being her best self! She has particularly impressed this week with her poetry skills. 

Year 6

Jack is a brilliant mathematician who enjoys collaborating with his peers. He is a real asset to our class!

Milkshake and Cookies with Mrs O'Hare

This week I was joined by Cara, Rafi, Hollie, Rupert and William for milkshake and cookies. The all showed what wonderful young people they are by impressing me and showing our core values - Courage, Compassion and Creativity. From sharing amazingly creative artwork to showing compassion for others in their words and actions - they are making our school a special place to be!

Introducing our New Junior Journalists! 

We are back! Welcome to our new Junior Journalists… Introducing: Rafi, Darcy and Dylan.

Hello, my name is Rafi and I have been nominated as a year 5 junior journalist. Being a junior journalist is an amazing opportunity you can do everything from writing blogs to interviewing people, oh, and did I mention the free cake . I can't wait for all the amazing things in store for me, bye for now Rafi.

Hello, my name is Darcy O'Brien. I am a junior journalist and I am in Year 5. I am excited to unleash the wonders of being a junior journalist. But what I am most excited about is investigating and interviewing our local community. I am also looking forward to trying the cake at the pop up cafe because I love to bake! Thank you for this opportunity. Darcy O'Brien

Hello, my name is Dylan and I'm a junior journalist in Year 5 with a great ability for writing.

I am  excited to show my passion for writing. What I'm looking forward to the most is interviewing people in Sarratt school and the wider community and I'm also looking forward to seeing how people in our school think about this school.

This is a fun opportunity. Thank you, Dylan wright.

Mrs Serby's KS2 Recommended Reads

Ideas for books to read for children in KS2:

KS2 Booklist available on our school website at 

All of these books are fiction (with the odd poetry book thrown in for good measure!) and I have read 99% of them. They are all of a good quality and will challenge your  child’s reading.  There are plenty of non fiction books out there for reading, too.  Please encourage all non fiction reading to children as this is equally as important to fictional reading. The list is also available on the English Curriculum Page of the Website. 

For further recommendations, visit:

Reading Recommendations for Younger Children

For young children, learning how to read can often be seen as an overwhelming task. We can help make the task easier by introducing children to "predictable text" or "repetitive text." Predictable texts contain phrases that appear in stories over and over again.

Reading aloud with children at a very early age will provide a foundation for helping them develop critical literacy skills and turn a seemingly overwhelming task into an enjoyable journey. Using books that contain predictable word patterns and simple sentence structure with familiar storylines are perfect for helping children learn how to read. Children are quick to hear and recognise repeated phrases and patterns in stories, and that's why they enjoy having the same stories read to them again and again. It allows them to anticipate words or phrases and say them aloud, giving them the excitement that accompanies learning how to read. 

As children progress into Year 1 and Year 2, books with repeating phrases and words in a text often simplify the decoding process for readers, making it easier for them to develop into fluent and confident readers - building rhythm and expression into their independent reading. 

Here are some recommendations:

Julia Donaldson books are great for encouraging participation with their use of pattern and rhyme. Books like, The Gruffalo, Room o the Broom, The Smartest Giant in Town and A Squash and a Squeeze to name a few.

Funny Bones Allan Ahlberg

Each, Peach, Pear Plum by Janet and Allan Ahlberg

We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen

Peace at Last by Jill Murphy

Hairy Maclary Series by Lynley Dodd

Owl Babies by Main Waddell 

Hertfordshire Libraries

This autumn Hertfordshire Libraries are encouraging all Reception class children to have their own library card. Our special ‘My First Library Adventure’ promotion gives your child the chance to win one of 50 personalised signed books by author / illustrator Alex Willmore (‘I did see a Mammoth!’ and ‘Spyceratops’). Plus two children will win a library visit with Alex Willmore for their whole class!

It’s easy for your child to take part. Just visit a Hertfordshire Library twice by 31 October 2023 with their special ‘My First Library Adventure’ bookmark. For each step of the Adventure they will collect a ‘paw stamp’ to celebrate their progress.


Week Beginning 23rd Oct

Half Term

Mon 30th Oct

Autumn Term 2 begins

Tue 31st Oct

SPA Halloween Bake Sale 3.10pm

Save the Date!

SPA Christmas Fair 

Friday 1st December 2023 3.30pm

Sarratt C of E Primary

SPA News

Looking for a quick half term project or a way to use up a glut of Halloween sweets?! Jazzy Jars for the Christmas Fair are back! 

1. Fill a clean, empty jam jar with something fun; it could be anything you like, maybe something yummy to eat (NO NUTS please), some fab stationery, some haberdashery or the ingredients to make something. Just do an internet search on ‘jazzy jars’ to get lots of inspiration. You can enter more than one if you are feeling productive! 

2. Decorate your jar however you like. 

3. Write/attach your house name (colour group for reception) to the jar. 

4. Bring your Jazzy Jars into the school office by Friday 10th November ready to be counted. 

5. Every entry will receive a house point. 

6. The jars will be available on a stall at the Christmas Fair – raising lots of money for the 


Many thanks, Sarratt Parents’ Association 

Do you have a business you would like to promote to the school community?

 Put your advert here for £25 per term

Contact the school office for more details 

Community News

Community Support in the Dacorum Area  

 DSPL8 Parent/Carer Newsletter; Dacorum SEND courses, support & information for families 


The latest ‘DSPL8 Parent/Carer Newsletter: Autumn Term’ & ‘Dacorum Parent/Carers courses and support' newsletters are available to download from our website via the following link:  


This fortnights newsletter includes: 


Dacorum Parent/Carer courses and support from various local providers: 


Please also follow our social media pages for the most recent updates:  




Kind Regards, 

DSPL 8 Team – Carole Hassell, Ruth Mason & Ashley Fabray 

Church News

Important Reminders

Make sure your child comes to school with a water bottle each day. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a snack in the morning. Children in KS2 can bring a fruit or vegetable snack to school for playtime. 

If your child needs additional medication, please  fill in this form and drop it into the school office.

As autumn set in, please ensure your child has an outdoor jacket everyday. We always aim to have the children outside as much as possible during playtime and lunchtime.

The climbing frames are out of bounds before and after school. 

Online Safety

Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe from harm. 

We have security measures in place in school, which are constantly reviewed, to help safeguard pupils from any potential dangers. Online Safety is taught   to all pupils explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.


We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with you to ensure the e-safety message is consistent.  Your help is needed to talk to your children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.


Children are accessing a greater amount of content online, than we were ever exposed to in our childhood. Children can accidently or deliberately be exposed to   unwanted or unpleasant content or comments online and there are steps you can take at home to minimise this risk.

The NSPCC provide guidance on how to protect children online for parents including setting controls, talking to your child and how to report concerns.


Please click on the link below for the latest information from Herts CC for parents supporting online safety.


We have always prided ourselves on being an open and approachable school and believe that good communication with our families is important to the success of our school.

Class Whatsapp groups are a valuable platform for parents to share information, particularly for those families who are new to the school and have limited opportunities to interact in the playground. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any area of school life or would like to share important information regarding your child, we would ask you to speak to the school directly. There are very clear channels available for doing this, outlined on the parent information pages of our website. We are always here to listen and will endeavour to address any issues quickly and effectively. 

Below is the link to the list of who to contact should you need any information about a specific area of school life. Should you wish to raise any questions or concerns directly regarding your child, the class teacher is always the first point of contact. If you have spoken to the class teacher but feel the issue is not resolved or should you require further information, then please make an appointment to see the Phase Leader – Mrs Whittaker for Reception and KS1 children and Mrs Serby for KS2 children.


DFE advice:

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) advice remains clear that children can continue to attend as normal unless they are unwell and have a high temperature. Further information on when a child is too ill for school or nursery is available. There is no requirement to be absent from school on a precautionary basis. School staff should continue to maintain their high expectations for face-to-face attendance. 

Good attendance starts at primary school - children who have attendance of 97% or above achieve better outcomes in school and have the best opportunities in their adult life.  


If you child misses school regularly, this will affect friendships as well as academic outcomes. It can be hard for a child who misses lots of school to form and maintain relationships with their classmates.


Being on time is also vital. Arriving late at school can be very disruptive for your child, their teacher and the other children in the class.

Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow!

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