Sarratt School Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers,

Time seems to be flying at the moment, already at the end of the second week of Summer Term 2!

Despite the scorching temperatures earlier int he week, it's been another productive 5 days here at school. We've had a visit to the river Chess in Year 3 to find out more about local biodiversity, looking at healthy lifestyle with Watford FC in KS2 and Cricket Coaching in KS1.

Next week we have loads more to look forward to... cycling proficiency, more Roller Skating and preparing for the Sarratt Flower Festival! This year the theme is musicals and the school have been allocated an area of the Church to display our creations. We have chosen the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat and we (if all goes to plan) will be making a coat decorated with a paper flower from every child in school. Please see below for more details about the festival.

Let's see who has made it to Gold Book this week!

Warmest regards,

Nicola O'Hare

Scroll through the snaps of Year 3's visit to the River Chess and Crestyl Watercress Farm...

Gold Book


This week we have 3 super star entries for Reception...


For using his phonics well to segment to spell words.


For improved drawing and use of his phonics to hear and write initial letters of words.


The best hula hooping we have ever seen in Reception and with three hoops WOW! Click on the button below to see...

Year 1

As we are nearing the end of this academic year we are learning how to check our work really carefully and make corrections where needed. This will be an important aspect of our written work preparing us for Year Two.

This is a big step forward for Year One children and our gold book entry this week is going to go to Frank. Frank is trying very hard to check his work and make appropriate corrections. He is taking great pride in producing neat work and is gaining in confidence to self - correct. He is setting a good example for the rest of the class. Well done Frank - keep it up!

Year 2

This week's entry is Olivia. Olivia has persevered with her maths and worked independently completing tricky column addition calculations that required regrouping. Marvellous maths Olivia, Mrs Bailey and I are very proud of you.

Year 3

This week, Year 3 had the great privilege of being taken on a guided tour of Crestyl Watercress Farm (Crestyl = Cress and Tyler) at Sarratt bottom. We owe a huge thank you to Mr and Mrs Tyler for giving up their time to lead us on such a fascinating tour.

Their beautiful farm is a haven for plants and wildlife, many of which we were able to see face to face, such as a brown river trout putting on a show for us.

In one of the Tyler's lakes are carps and Mr Tyler is even nurturing and protecting their fry (baby fish). We also witnessed the devastating Signal crayfish which were introduced to Europe in the 1960's and who unfortunately cause havoc up and down our rivers and streams.

The cress is all going to seed this time of year, however we were able to see how it would traditionally be picked (using a bone-handled knife). In addition, Mr Tyler showed us Fools Cress, which appears to be delicious, however it has a stronger, more bitter taste and a pungent smell, which we could smell on the side!

It was a jam-packed visit and we feel blessed to live and attend a school in an area of outstanding natural beauty and near sites of scientific interest. However, we wish that the area could be more protected, especially our unique chalk stream: the River Chess.

This week our Gold Book Entry has to go to Joe Tyler. He led the way on our walk to Sarratt Bottom, he shared insights and his own passion for the river and the wildlife. Joe has had a unique experience growing up on a working farm and his practical and independent mindset is being shown more and more in our classroom. We look forward to Joe sharing his first-hand knowledge and helping us with our ongoing River topic. Thank you Joe.

Year 4

Year 4's Goldbook entries this week are:

Grace has been working hard on our revision of rounding numbers this week. She has been quick to identify either the thousands or hundreds that we need to round to and has working independently on the tasks set. Well done, Grace!

Izzy and Charlie are also in the Goldbook for their thoughtful contributions to our discussions regarding the Joseph story in RE this week. They were both able to explore meaning from the story and help others understand the lessons we can learn from this ancient story. Well done and thank you to both of them.

Year 5

Nell is another member of our Year 5 class who could easily be entered into the gold book each week for her kindness towards others and brilliant attitude towards her learning. This week, she is particularly proud of a monologue she wrote in the voice the water buffalo from Shaun Tan's 'Tales from Outer Suburbia'. She enjoyed the challenge of maintaining the character's voice throughout and developed some great strategies to help with this. Here's a small section of her writing:

'I liked it there, the long grass always ready for me and the children always passing on their way to school. Humans are like that, they always do the same thing.

One day they stopped coming. Abandoned me.

I felt like the grass they never used to mow. They even walked on the other side of the road.'

Year 6

This week, our nominations are for Leon, Madie and Daisy.

In English, Leon and Madie have taken part in very high-quality discussion around "The Arts". They have both been challenging, persuading and supporting their answers, as well as using valid points to engage in group work.

Daisy is a great friend and team member in our Year 6 class. She was caring and supportive when one of her teammates was injured during a football game.

Well done to all our nominees!

Summer Reading Challenge

We’re so excited to reveal the theme for the Summer Reading Challenge 2021!

Get ready for Wild World Heroes, arriving online and in your local library this summer.

Pack your bags, we’re headed for Wilderville!

It’s a pretty cool place, but there are lots of things that the Wild World Heroes can do to make their town even better for the people and animals that live there.

Join the Wild World Heroes for the Summer Reading Challenge and discover how you can make a difference to the environment too.

We’re teaming up with WWF for a very special nature-themed Challenge that will inspire you to stand up for the planet!

Wild World Heroes will feature amazing books, awesome rewards, and plenty of ideas for taking care of our environment.

Are you excited to join the #WildWorldHeroes this summer?

Keep an eye on our blog for all the latest Summer Reading Challenge news.


Don't forget to pre-order school lunches. Here is a sneaky peek at what delicious dishes are on the menu next week from Zoe...


Please check the ingredients on cereal bars and to ensure they do not contain nuts.

Church News

This week, in our 10:30 am Family Service from Chipperfield, we will be looking at how Jesus calms the storm on the lake and brings peace to his friends.

I do hope you will join us on Line via the link below or in person via our Church wardens and web page.

Every love and blessing

Sunrise & Sunset Club

The Sunrise & Sunset Club is now planning next September as they need to plan ahead to make sure they have the right staffing in place to meet demand. So if you think you might need their services in the next academic year, do please contact Pippa Alexander (07850 871169 / They provide an OUTSTANDING childcare service, Monday to Thursday afternoons from 3.15pm to 5.45pm. They also offer great discounts. For more information, their website is

Family Support

We are BeeZee Bodies, the healthy lifestyles company for families of 5-15 years olds to support them in making healthier lifelong changes.

We are doing some masterclasses your family may find very useful, including some on fussy eating. These are entirely free and can be signed up by clicking the following link:

We’ve attached a healthy recipe‘Strawberry Nice Cream’ for you to try. Fingers crossed the sun holds out!

Communication for Parents & Carers - 09.06.2021.pdf
GADE KLP Info.pdf