Databases & Research Resources

For Student Research

Get a quick overview of your topic and find the right keywords and related concepts for your searches. Includes articles, maps, pronunciations, videos you can embed in your projects, and more. Hear the right pronunciations for your presentations.

You can sign in with your school Google account for more options.

A starting place 

Research topics with various resources including key facts, sources, keywords, explanations, photos, etc.

A starting place geared to more complex subjects

Choose your research topic and find good resources by topic.

Support for and against your arguments.

Places with their distinctive features, people, and histories

Databases in "science, technology, education, social sciences, humanities, and news" providing strong academic resources.

An entry point for advanced researchers.

Nonfiction ebooks and essays on advanced academic topics.

Tips on researching.

Gale Resources

You must log in through your Saratogausd Gmail.

Gale in Context Environmental Studies
Gale Presents National Geographic Kids

Mostly for Teachers

Including PBS, Broadway on Demand, Music on Demand, The Royal Shakespeare Company Collection, and more.

Multimedia resources for a large range of disciplines, from anthropology to zoology with everything from cooking to sports along the way. Make your own clips and playlists.

Gale Interactive Science

Gale Interactive Science

Online "manipulatives" for science learning.

For families who opted in during registration, this student portal allows access to online library resources through our county library system.

Your account number is  “S” + “student ID number” + “SUSD”

Your PIN is the month and day of the student’s birthday (i.e. “0621” )

Example: if my student number was '12345678' and I was born on January 1:

My account # would be S12345678SUSD

And my password would be 0101

The Santa Clara County Library District Logo is under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) licenseComputer image modified from image by Sara Torda from Pixabay