Therapy for the relationally curious.

Dear human,

Therapy can look an endless number of ways.

Personally, I most appreciate the way in which the therapeutic relationship can highlight interpersonal dynamics. 

Meaning that what happens in-session gives us information into how you approach both the external world as well as your internal world (your experience of yourself).

For example, how you distract from an emotion in-session mimics how you currently avoid conflict with a partner... which perhaps further echos back to how you stayed safe with a childhood caregiver.

In therapy, we can explore: 

what might it look like to create safety (in this very moment) for that small child who is still a part of you?

I'm interested in the content of your day, but even more so, I'm interested in what's happening underneath the content,

or, the process in this very moment within yourself, and also between us.

If this approach sparks interest, please schedule a video consultation to explore our fit.

(Note: I currently have a waitlist for new individual and couples clients, 

please visit the Group page to learn more about group therapy options.)

The self may be said to be made up of reflected appraisals. 

-Harry Stack Sullivan