News & Events

Walk & Roll to School

February 28th

Join the STEAM Green Team in taking a step towards a greener planet. Even families who live far from school can participate. Take the bus, carpool, or drive part way to school, and walk the rest of the way with friends. We can’t wait to see you all making a difference for our environment. 

Click here to review the safety map for suggested routes and safety tips!

Kids Run the OC

February - May

Registration for Kids Run the OC will open on February 1st!  Space is limited as we have a limited number of coaches and volunteers.  If you would like to coach or help please contact

Kids Run the OC is a 10-week after school program where students will play FUN games and exercise the equivalent of running 25.2 miles over the the weeks!  The students will RUN the final mile in a FUN RUN in Costa Mesa at the OC Fairgrounds.

You MUST register to participate, there is a $29 fee per student.

Register at:

Questions? Email Coach Teresa or Mrs. Chambion

Love Run

March 21st (postponed from Feb. 7th)

Santiago’s annual Jog-a-thon will take place on Friday, March 21st (postponed from Feb. 7th due to rain)! Jogathon is our Annual PTA Fundraiser.  ALL students will run laps on the field during the school day and family is welcome to attend, cheer, and volunteer! 

 Students who bring in donations can earn raffle tickets, water bottles, pizza parties, and more fun prizes! Visit to register for your fundraising page, and invite family and friends to donate.   PTA funds are used for events such as Fall Festival, campus improvements, field trip support, teacher reimbursements, and much much more!  Thank you for supporting our PTA!

Run Times (Note - volunteers are needed!)

Yearbook Deadlines

April 2nd

Yearbook Orders are due April 2nd.   All orders are through Treering.   The Cover Art Contest is coming soon and all students are welcome to submit a design.  click this link to create or login to your Santiago Treering account.  

Once you are logged into you will see options to:

Serrano PTSA Questionairre

Sixth grade parents:

Serrano PTSA is looking for incoming parents to fill out a questionnaire for those interested in board positions, or any volunteering next year.  Visit or click this link

Innovation Lab Upgrade - LEGO Sorter Completed

We are so incredibly lucky for the donation of this custom built LEGO Sorter. Designed and built by Grandma Karen (not pictured), coordinated and dropped off by Ben V. and Jaime V.

This sorter will help organize LEGOS in the Innovation Lab so it’s easier and quicker to find particular blocks while ideating for projects. It will also serve as a Social Emotional Behavior (SEB) tool to allow kids to roll, rock and swish the sorter back and forth to calm down and reset.

Please consider supporting Karen V by visiting her etsy shop and checking out her beautiful craftsmanship! 

If you would like to take on a family project for the Innovation Lab, please email

Moon Tree 

We are honored to announce that NASA has named Santiago STEAM Magnet Elementary an official Moon Tree Steward. The school will receive a Sequoia whose seed traveled aboard Artemis I, farther into space than any human has ever gone!

NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement and the USDA Forest Service reviewed more than 1300 applications from across the nation before selecting Santiago STEAM Magnet Elementary as recipient of this Moon Tree. The combined agencies congratulated Santiago for its Education Impact Statement and tree care plans, which distinguished the school as a first-round recipient. 

The Moon Tree will provide unlimited opportunities for real-world investigation, scientific data collection, and conservation education. This unique, otherworldly tree will open up a universe of possibilities for our young students.

The moon tree ceremony was held on Monday, October 14th. Check back soon for videos and photos from the event!

Santiago STEAM Green and Santiago STEAM Magnet PTA applied for the “NASA Moon Tree” on behalf of Santiago STEAM Magnet Elementary School.

New Spirit Wear Store

No more waiting for the fall or spring order windows! We had added an online anytime spirit wear store! Click the button below to check out the new online store.

Don't see something you would like logos on? Please email us your requests at We will add things with enough requests and availability!

See the Calendar page for a list of all upcoming events!