संक्षिप्तमहाभारतम् − The Mahābhārata in a nutshell

A one chapter narration in forty-three verses presented as an independent-study reader in Sanskrit (Buy the book here)

The Mahābhārata is one of the longest epics in the world and one of the greatest masterpieces of human civilization. The ancient Indian epic records the great war between two branches of the descendants of Bharata, the events leading up to it that divided the family, and those that followed it until the ascent of King Yudhiṣṭhira to heaven. Yet besides narrating the events of the main story, the work is filled with beautiful descriptions of characters, edifices, and scenes, and with wonderful discourses, dialogues, and tales imparting instruction on spirituality, philosophy, ethics, good breeding, personal conduct, good governance and every aspect of life. The work beautifully captures and transmits the richness and subtlety of Indian culture.