Parent Resources

Khan Academy en EspanolEste sitio web ofrece tutoriales en video para matemáticas y otras materias.

Reading is FUNdamental!

Click on the links below for some great literacy building ideas and tools...

#operationstorytimeOur favorite celebrities read our favorite stories! These stars are working with “Operation Storytime” and “Save With Stories,” in order to lift spirits during this rapidly changing and challenging time.
Storyline OnlineThis SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s award-winning children’s literacy website, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations.
StorynoryThis website brings free audio stories to your home. Practice your listening skills with each interesting "read".
International Children's Digital Library (ICDL)The ICDL Foundation promotes tolerance and respect for diverse cultures by providing access to the best of children's literature from around the world.

Grow Your Faith as a Family!

Click on the links below for some great faith building ideas and tools...

Ministry at HomeFamily Led Ideas (where parents initiate & lead discipleship)
Catholic MomHere you will find many activities that moms and DADS can do with their children.
Our Catholic FaithSponsored by Loyola Press, this website offers information on different aspects of our faith life.
LA Catholics Stay up to date on everything within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

Math Mania in the House!

Click on the links below for some great math building ideas and tools...

Math Challenges for FamiliesTry the puzzles offered on this site to challenge your math knowledge while bonding as a family.
Sneak-in-the-Math IdeasBedtime Math offers ideas on their website and through their YouTube playlist on ways to sneak math into your daily routines.
Math for LoveThis site offers idea about how math can be shared with kids and practiced at home with joyfulness as well as rigor.
Let's Read Math!This site is dedicated to building positive attitudes towards math through literature for all ages.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) at Home

Click on the links below for some great SEL building ideas and tools...

Confident Parents, Confident KidsThis site offers ideas for parents who are actively supporting kids' social and emotional development.
Understood This website offers ideas for games and skillbuilders that families can practice together.
Parent ToolkitThis one-stop resource was produced by NBC News Learn and supported by Pearson and includes information about almost every aspect of your child’s development, including navigating life after high school.
Big Life Journal You can find engaging resources that help kids develop a growth and resilient mindset so they can face life’s challenges with confidence.