College Resilience

What is the College's Resilience Plan?

Following the successful restart activity planned for across the Summer, college buildings are now open and in operation.

Planning continues and the college has developed a resilience plan to guide the next stages of its work to ensure continued success and stability.

Working Groups

A number of working groups have been set up in line with the College's Resilience plan, these are detailed below.

Working groups meet regularly and aims and actions are regularly reviewed. Updated outcomes and meeting summaries will be updated and stored in the below section.

People Health Communications Plan

People, Health and Communications



Facilities & Operations

Facilities & Operations

2. People Health Comms - Actions - 08.10.20.pdf

People Health Comms - Actions - 08.10.20

3. People Health Comms - Actions - 15.10.pdf

People Health Comms - Actions - 15.10

4. People Health Comms - Actions - 22.10.20.doc.pdf

People Health Comms - Actions - 22.10

5. People Health Comms - Actions - 12.11.20.doc.pdf

People Health Comms - Actions - 12.11.20

6. People Health Comms - Actions - 26.11 (002).doc.pdf

People Health Comms - Actions - 26.11.20

8. People Health Comms - Actions - 14.01.doc.pdf

People Health Comms - Actions - 14.01

8. People Health Comms - Actions - 28.01.2021.pdf

People Health Comms - Actions - 28.01.21

9. People Health Comms - Actions - 11.02.21.doc

People Health Comms - Actions 11.02.21

People Health Communication - Ouline Project Plan March 2021.docx

People, Health and Comms - Outline Project Plan March 2021

13. People Health Comms - Actions - 24.3.21.doc

People, Health and Comms - 24.03.21

14. People Health Comms - Actions - 01.04.21.doc

People, Health and Comms - 1.04.21

1. Actions - Facilities Operations Meeting 04.11.2020.doc.pdf

Facilities Operations - Actions - 04.11.20

1. Actions - Facilities Operations Meeting 18.11.2020.doc.pdf

Facilities Operations - Actions - 18.11.20

3. Actions - Facilities Operations Meeting 02.12.2020.doc.pdf

Facilities Operations - Actions - 02.12.20

2. Actions - Facilities Operations Meeting 13.01.21.doc.pdf

Facilities Operations - Actions - 13.01.21

Actions - Facilities Operations Meeting 21.01.2021.doc.pdf

Facilities Operations - Actions - 21.01.21

Curriculum Group Overview Feb 25 update.docx

Curriculum Group - Overview February 2021

Advisory Groups

The College has also set up advisory groups following the successful implementation of working groups during the initial national lock down.

Meeting minutes of these working groups will be regularly updated in the below section.

1. Sandwell Advisory Group Notes - 19.10.20 Final.pdf

Sandwell Advisory Group

First meeting 19/11/2020

1. Cadbury Advisory Group Meeting 2020.10.19.pdf

Cadbury Advisory Group

First meeting 19/10/2020

5. Sandwell Advisory Group Notes - 14.12.docx.pdf

Sandwell Advisory Group

Meeting 14/12/2020

2. Cadbury Advisory Group Meeting 2020.11.23.pdf

Cadbury Advisory Group

Meeting 23/11/2020

6. Sandwell Advisory Group Notes - 25.01.2021.pdf

Sandwell Advisory Group

Meeting 25/01/2021

Sandwell Advisory Group Notes - 8.02.21.docx

Sandwell Advisory Group

Meeting 08/02/2021

Sandwell Advisory Group Notes - 15.03.2021 FINAL.docx

Sandwell Advisory Group

Meeting 15/03/2021

Sandwell Advisory Group Notes - 29.03.2021 FINAL (003).docx

Sandwell Advisory Group

Meeting 29/03/2021

Sandwell Advisory Group Notes - 29.03.2021 FINAL (003).docx

Sandwell Advisory Group

Meeting 29/03/2021


The well-being of staff continues to be of paramount importance. The support available to all staff includes:

o Additional individual health and well-being assessments upon request

o Regular ‘You Matter’ publications centering on physical and mental wellness.

o New staff support helpline and email; the phone line is open 10am – 2pm Monday to Friday, please call 0121 667 5009, alternatively you can email

o The support of trained Mental Health First Aiders, contact HR for details

There are also many external helplines that can support you, click here to see a list of mental health charities that offer advice and support lines you can contact.

More information has been displayed and collated on our 'Wellbeing & Mental Health Site' -

If you would like any further information on the support available to you, please contact your line manager or the HR team.

COVID Information

All up to date and historical information relating to COVID can be found on the Restart Site - Click Here

This can also be found on the staff portal, on the 'Applications' tab.