Welcome to the Zombie Apocalypse!

The streets are empty. Zombies roam the world...

You are one of the lucky ones, safe and sound in one of many "Safe Zones" set up by the Government when the Apocalypse struck.

It's not a pretty place, and it can get a little boring at times. However, you have food, water, power, medical help if needed, and a way of keeping yourself clean.

There are also a few books, board games and, weirdly, an old jumping castle someone found in an abandoned fairground one day.

IMAGE: Home sweet home (Government Safe Zone B3-00023Z-001)

Life in The safe zone

IMAGE: Grandpa Joe working hard in the food store
IMAGE: The shelves hold an odd assortment of food items

The Food Store

Everything is rationed, but the community is slowly building the reserves and gaining progress towards self-sufficiency.

Your Grandpa Joe runs the 'food store', and occasionally he sneaks a bit of chocolate out for you and the other kids in your block.

There is a vegetable garden but it's early days, and the only regular fresh fruit and vegetables the community get, come through weekly truck deliveries from other Safe Zone compounds.

Communicating with the 'outside world'

Radio is back!

Since the internet is now extremely unreliable and television broadcasting has collapsed, people have gone back to radio as the primary means of communicating across distances.

You can send emails, but you only have access to the community computer for one hour each day.

IMAGE: A resident using radio to communicate whilst driving
IMAGE: Local radio - the hosts of "Handy Hints from Zombie Land"

Quite a few Safe Zones, including your own, have set up independent radio stations.

Some of the shows are quite entertaining, but most of them focus on keeping people informed and up-to-date.

The radio show you enjoy listening to the most, is called "Handy Hints from Zombie Land". It gives good advice on how to do useful things in the community, such as how to mend a door, plant seeds, or how to make home-made ginger beer!


One day, as you toggle the dial on your portable radio, you come across a strange sound. It sounds like a muffled voice calling for help. But it is so faint, you can't tell for sure.

You run outside with the radio and hold it to the sky, trying to get a better signal... and yes, it is unmistakable. A voice is calling for help!

Her name is Poppy and, from what you can tell, she is stuck in a farm house on her own, in a remote Western Australian town called Wiluna. There are zombies around the parameter of her property, she is running out of supplies, and nobody has arrived to rescue her yet.

IMAGE: Poppy is stranded her farm house, in the remote desert town of Wiluna, Western Australia.