Sand Springs Public Schools is proud to partner with Tulsa Community College for their program, EDGE: Earn a Degree, Graduate Early. This program gives students the opportunity to graduate high school with both an associate degree and a high school diploma, free of charge. Upon graduation, students are well on their way to a bachelor’s degree two years ahead of their peers.
About the Program
SSPS students must apply for the EDGE program in 8th grade. Once accepted, those students will begin college preparatory classes in 9th grade, including an Introduction to College course and transition English and math classes. In 10th - 12th grade, EDGE students will earn college credit. Upon graduation, students who have successfully completed the EDGE program will have both a high school diploma and an associate degree.
SSPS provides additional support, such as on-campus tutoring, to help students succeed in their college classes. TCC provides college experiences designed especially for these students--experiences such as college orientations, sessions with TCC advisors, meetings with university advisors, and workshops--to support them as they advance toward their associate degree.
Transferable Credits
All credits earned through the EDGE program are transferable to Oklahoma public colleges and universities, and private and regional institutions. Verify course requirements with your transfer institution. TCC’s University Transfer page provides a great tool for you to map out your academic journey.
All SSPS 8th grade students are invited to apply. 10 students will be selected to participate in the program. In order to provide equitable access to college educations, 80% of accepted applicants will be under-resourced students.
This program is free* to all qualifying students. Tuition, textbooks, transportation and other fees are covered by TCC and SSPS.
*Requires successful completion of the college courses.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: TBD - March 2024 - Details coming soon
Parent and student information session attendance is required before applying to EDGE.
If you have already attended an information session, you can apply online or pick up a paper application.
Questions? Please email
For questions about the program, email