contents in brief


"It is a deep, carefully threaded, evolutionary analysis and reflection of the civil society sector, focusing its attention on the so-called "Transnational NGOs" which, as the largest and widest reaching, have enjoyed a leading role within the civil society sector for a considerable time. The book constructively brings attention to the challenges faced by the Transnational NGOs, delves into how they have been addressed in the past and challenges the stability of this leadership position -even its mere survival- unless the original architecture of the sector is questioned and adapted to meet the challenges of the 21st century."  -- Patricia Moreira, Executive Advisor and former Managing Director, Transparency International

“This book is a must read for all TNGO practitioners. It is both provocative and well argued. The questions raised cannot be ignored if authentic impact is sought. Buy it. read it as a group and consider the changes that are truly necessary”     —Pierre Ferrari, President and CEO, Heifer International

“This a must read for INGO leaders and senior staff of INGOs, particularly in the Global South, so that they can understand what is going on in the power-centres of their INGO organizations [ … ].”   —Ramesh Kumar Singh Malla, Former COO, Greenpeace, and former CEO, ActionAid International

“Transnational NGOs are a huge phenomenon. There are thousands of them all over the world; they play a notable role in the ecology of the global political system and have an impact on policy and outcomes. This valuable book helps us understand them.” —Peter Gourevitch, Founding Dean and Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of California, San Diego

“Between Power and Irrelevance provides a shortcut to understanding the challenges and limitations of NGO power and should be on the desk of every CEO in the sector.”  —Kate Bunting, CEO of HelpAge USA

“This book is essential reading for INGO leaders and students of international development.” —Chris Jochnik, CEO and President of Landesa

“I have worked in the field of international development for over 25 years. I highly recommend this book, […]. A conceptual and practical blueprint for sector leaders, the book addresses core issues and challenges, along with alternative routes and choices informed by lessons learned. —Amy Coughenour Betancourt, CEO of the Cadesta Foundation

“We are never going back to the way we were. This is increasingly evident in our current COVID-19 context, but the journey has been ongoing for years in the sector. The book Between Power and Irrelevance: The Future of Transnational NGOs, explores this journey. The authors, Mitchell, Schmitz, and Bruno-van Vijfeijken, speak with affection and directness to their colleagues in development – urging the sector to change to ensure their future effectiveness, legitimacy and relevance.”  —Marcia Scheffler, Vice President, Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA)

“I keep this book right next to my desk. It is a perfect antidote to the abundance of over-hyped, but paper-thin discussions around the disruption of the global development sector.” —Chris Proulx, Global Director @ Humentum