School Week-at-a-Glance

November 21 - November 26, 2022

The Clairemont School Week At A Glance (SWAG) is intended to provide students, staff, and families with timely information about upcoming events and important announcements for the coming week. Check out all the wonderful things happening at CHS next week.

We Are Thankful!

Monday, November 21

  • No School

Tuesday, November 22

  • No School

Wednesday, November 23

  • No School

Thursday, November 24

  • Thanksgiving Holiday

Friday, November 25

  • No School

Saturday, November 26

  • CA State Cross Country Championships (Fresno)


Thanksgiving - Free COVID Test Kits

San Diego Unified School District is pleased to announce all students were provided an InteliSwab Rapid Antigen Test Kit to self-test for COVID-19 prior to returning from Thanksgiving Break. Testing is not mandatory for returning to campus, but is strongly encouraged.

Testing is an important tool to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. By testing before returning from Thanksgiving Break, staff and families can ensure that they are not returning to campus with a COVID infection.


Please note that any person who has had a COVID-19 infection in the past 90 days should not use the test kit, unless they have symptoms. The test may be positive because of a prior infection.

  • Each InteliSwab Rapid Antigen Test Kit contains two tests.

  • Students should take the first test- three days before their return to school or work. Please use sooner for new illness symptoms.

  • Students and staff should take the second test the morning of Monday, 11/28/22 before coming to school or work.

  • If the test is negative and no COVID-19 or flu symptoms are present, the student or staff member is cleared to return.

  • If the test is positive, the student should stay home and use the self-reporting tool then contact their school or supervisor to follow any further instructions before returning.

Yearbook - Senior Sections

Hello seniors! The Yearbook staff requests that you complete google forms for senior yearbook quotes, senior standout nominations, and to send in a baby photo if you would like. Instructions can be found in the image below.

All information must be submitted by December 2nd.

If you have any questions please email them to, or to

JED High School Student Survey Parent/Guardian Consent Outreach Guide

Clairemont High School has been selected by the San Diego Unified School District to partner with The Jed Foundation to conduct an online survey about student well-being, challenges they may face, and their sources of support. We are asking students to take the JED High School Student Survey because without the input from students, we cannot know if our efforts to improve student well-being / academic success / inclusivity are working. The answers from the survey will be used to implement programs and policies, conduct training, shape curriculum, advocate for resources from the district and state at our school over the next three years.

Your students' responses will be kept confidential and secure by The Jed Foundation, and the report shared with the school site will not be connected with their name, email, or any other information that identifies them. If you allow your student to participate, your student may choose to skip questions or stop participating at any time. The survey typically takes around 30-45 minutes to complete. To learn more please review the JED HS Survey: Frequently Asked Questions for Parents / Guardians.

If you would not like for your student to participate in the survey, please fill out the Opt-Out Consent Form by 11/28/22. Please include your student’s first name, email, student ID and the name of our school.

For study-related questions, please email the principal JED Foundation investigator Dr. Michelle Mullen at Also, feel free to reach out to Reuben Hoffman, Associate Principal at for more information.

Encuesta de estudiantes de secundaria de JED Guía de alcance de consentimiento de padres/tutores

Clairemont High School ha sido seleccionada por el Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego para asociarse con The Jed Foundation para realizar una encuesta en línea sobre el bienestar de los estudiantes, los desafíos que pueden enfrentar y sus fuentes de apoyo. Estamos pidiendo a los estudiantes que respondan la Encuesta de Estudiantes de Escuelas Secundarias de JED porque sin la opinión de los estudiantes, no podemos saber si nuestros esfuerzos para mejorar el bienestar de los estudiantes/el éxito académico/la inclusión están funcionando. Las respuestas de la encuesta se utilizarán para implementar programas y políticas, realizar capacitaciones, dar forma al plan de estudios, abogar por los recursos del distrito y el estado en nuestra escuela durante los próximos tres años.

Las respuestas de sus estudiantes se mantendrán confidenciales y seguras por The Jed Foundation, y el informe compartido con el sitio escolar no se conectará con su nombre, correo electrónico o cualquier otra información que los identifique. Si permite que su estudiante participe, su estudiante puede optar por omitir preguntas o dejar de participar en cualquier momento. La encuesta suele tardar entre 30 y 45 minutos en completarse. Para obtener más información, revise la Encuesta JED HS: Preguntas frecuentes para padres/tutores.

Si no gusta que su estudiante participe en la encuesta, complete el formulario de consentimiento de exclusión en o antes del 28 de noviembre del 2022. Incluya el nombre de su estudiante, el correo electrónico, la identificación del estudiante y el nombre de nuestra escuela.

Si tiene preguntas relacionadas con el estudio, envíe un correo electrónico a la investigadora principal de la Fundación JED, la Dra. Michelle Mullen, a Además, no dude en comunicarse con Reuben Hoffman, director adjunto en para obtener más información.

Boys & Girls Rugby - Starts Nov 29th (Tuesday)

See you on at practice on the upper grass field.
If you have questions, please contact Jason Lee via email -

JV / Novice Girls Basketball Tryouts


Webinar: How to Help Your Child with Anxiety
Nov 29 (Tuesday) 6:00-7:00PM

Anxiety Webinar.pdf

Blood Drive

Upcoming Blood Drive on November 29th

  • Make an appointment now by using this website - San Diego Blood Bank CHS Schedule

  • One donation can save 3 lives!

  • CHS Seniors, this is your last opportunity to get a red cord to walk on graduation, donate now and in June!

  • Parents / Guardians of Seniors, you can also donate in their name.

Winter Wonderland
Dec 9th (Friday)

This all Clairemont Cluster event is a can't miss experience.

Invite your family and friends!

Interested in the Military?

CHS will be offering the ASVAB on Wednesday, December 14th at 8:30am. Test can run up to 3 hours.

What is the ASVAB?

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students.

Register Here

If you have any questions see Miss Victorino


CSU & UC Application Deadline
Nov 30th (Wed)

If you are applying to a CSU or UC, keep in mind that the deadline is November 30th at 11:59PM. Keep working on your applications!! Counselors will be available after the break to assist with any questions. On November 30th, we will be available in room 301 (8:30-9:30) and in room 205 (9:45-4:00)

Please remember that the CSU's and UC's don't require any letters of recommendation and no transcripts need to be sent now. If you have any questions see Counselor Ramirez or Counselor Victorino.

Christian Ramirez
Counselor (A-Le)

Need Help With College Applications or FAFSA/Dream Act?

Counselors will be available Wednesday mornings from 8:30-9:30 am in room 301 starting on 11/2 through 11/30. (Except 11/23) Let's get these applications done before the Nov. 30th deadline!

Claudia Victorino
Head Counselor (Li-Z)

FAFSA & Dream Act Workshop
December 7th

Counselors and WAHUPA Trio will be hosting a FAFSA/Dream Act Workshop on Wednesday, December 7th from 5:00-6:30Pm in room 301. Please bring a copy of parent's 2021 income taxes, Social Security Number if applicable, investments information, savings/checking account information, etc. Use the FAFSA/Dream Act Checklist to prepare for the application. If you have any questions, please contact your child's Counselor.

FAFSA_ Dream Act Checklist_Eng and SP_ 2023-2024.pdf

Get Support With College Applications, FAFSA, Dream Act & MORE

Get Support with Mesa Applications



We meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month at CHS in Room 203.

Learn More: CHS Foundation Website


Non-profit 501(c)(3) organization #33-055116

Kitchenware Donation Drive Dates
Nov 30 - Fri, Dec 2 at CHS

Declutter your kitchen! Over Thanksgiving break, if you didn’t use it, donate it. Clairemont High School Foundation’s in-kind partnership with Kitchens For Good will soon be accepting donations of preloved kitchenware at CHS. We will welcome a huge range of gently used kitchen and dining items, whether it’s a donation of pots and pans, bakeware, utensils, dishes, small appliances, decor, gadgets or that pizza stone you used twice!

Bring your gently used kitchenware donations to CHS each morning on Wed, Nov 30 - Fri, Dec 2.

Look for donation boxes in & near the CHS office.

Be sure to visit the Kitchens For Good Shop in Pacific Beach at 980 Hornblend Street at Cass St. Shop hours are 10am-6pm daily. Shop and enjoy a free fresh baked cookie, free onsite parking and tell them CHS Foundation sent you in!

Kitchens For Good: Transforming lives through culinary arts. Kitchens for Good is a sustainability-oriented San Diego nonprofit dedicated to making a positive impact on our economy, society, and environment. The heartbeat of the organization is our three tuition-free Apprenticeship Programs – Culinary, Baking, and Hospitality which help individuals facing barriers to employment gain the skills needed to create sustainable careers.

When you donate your new or gently used kitchen items, not only are you saving them from the landfill, the Kitchens for Good Shop sells them in-store and the revenue goes towards the apprenticeship programs that change lives. Visit to learn more, volunteer, donate, hire an apprentice and more!

CHS Foundation Announces
Deck The House
Holiday Decorating Contest & Fundraiser.

This is a festive community event, open to all local residents and CHS families. Spread the word and shine bright Chieftains!

CHS Alumni Contact List!

Hey CHS Alumni! Interested in keeping in the loop about the happenings at CHS? Want to reconnect and help support or attend our events? Need support for an upcoming reunion event? Know an Alumni, let them know about our NEW Alumni contact list.

​Fill out the form on the CHS Foundation website to join our NEW email list. Join Alumni Contact List. Go Chiefs!!!

Put your name on the CHS Foundation Volunteer/Contact list!

CHS Foundation always welcomes willing helpers to contribute to our mission to Support All Things CHS. Add your name/email to our contact list today to hear about opportunities to help, meeting announcements, and join committees that are forming. There is such a variety of tasks to perform and ideas to share, from administrative and technical/web tasks, planning events, staff appreciation efforts, and cooking, to just showing up for event support, there’s something everyone can bring to the group. So put your name on our email contact list by clicking this link: Contact/Volunteer list with CHS Foundation



Karly Johnstone



Reuben Hoffman

Associate Principal



Associate Principal


Academy Coordinator

Cheryl Esselstein

IMTSS Coordinator




A full list of CHS Staff Contact information can be found on our school website or by clicking HERE.



PARENTS: Get Your Parent Portal Account. Every parent or guardian of our students should have a PowerSchool Parent Portal account. If you don't have one, please email Steve Durham (; include your student's full name and Student ID # in the request and he will reply with an account creation form.



For updated calendar, team results and news,
and to answer Chieftain Athletics questions,
our CHS Chieftains webpage.


To provide a safe space for all community members and guests attending CHS Athletic Events, we have created the CHS Athletic Event Entry Policies.

Alfie Nowak - Athletic Director

For questions regarding athletics at CHS, please contact Mr. Nowak at

Additional information regarding CHS Athletics can be found on our CHS Chieftains webpage.



The CHS Counseling Staff has created grade level Google Classrooms to provide students with resources and supports. Although students have been automatically enrolled in these classrooms based on their grade level, please have your student check their Google Classroom suite to be sure they are able to access this valuable resource.

9th Grade GC Code: 3iplgnv 10th grade GC Code: wp4ggvw 11th Grade GC Code: 5joed75 12th Grade GC Code: 2fsrzlj

For more information about CHS Counseling, check out our Clairemont Counseling webpage.

Claudia Victorino

Head Counselor (Li-Z)

Christian Ramirez

Counselor (A-Le)

Steve Durham

Site Technician

Teresa Peña


Class of 2023: Student & Family
College Information Presentation

On October 5th, CHS Counselors went over College Applications, Financial Aid, Xello, Scholarships, Post High school plans, etc with Class of 2023 parents/guardians. You can learn more via the presentation slides.

If you have any questions for our counselors please reach out to them.

Christian Ramirez - Counselor (A-Le) -

Claudia Victorino - Head Counselor (Li-Z) -

Senior PP

California Dream Act Application: Help Undocumented Students Safely Apply for College Financial Aid

Every year, thousands of students apply for financial aid as they consider their college, university, or training options after high school graduation. While this process is not always easy, it is a critically important one to help students access up to $20,000 in grant aid, depending on which institution they attend, to help pay for postsecondary education or training. Students from undocumented or immigrant backgrounds face additional challenges in this process given their status. However, California has made state financial aid available since 2013 through the California Dream Act Application (CADAA), a state-based application. It is available on the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) Dream Act web page at It allows undocumented students to receive state financial aid.


Jen Dossett

Band Director

Ann Torgersen

Theater Director

Laura Berlin

Art Teacher


They will be sent home for any of the following, and be asked to take a COVID test and follow the San Diego County Health Guidelines.

  • Fever with or no chills > 100.0F

  • Cough*

  • Shortness of breath

  • Nasal congestion/Rhinorrhea (Runny Nose)*

  • Sore Throat

  • Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea*

  • Fatigue*

  • New Loss of Taste/Smell

  • Headache*

  • Muscle/Body Aches*

  • Poor Feeding or Poor Appetite*

If a student has any of the symptoms on the list, please keep and isolate your student at home and use Self-Reporting Tool Link to report the illness. Someone from SDUSD illness and COVID follow-up team will contact you directly. They will go over the specific requirements of how long to stay home and COVID testing options.

*If your student has a chronic pre-existing condition that causes these symptoms, your student may come to school if a “Certification of Chronic Medical Condition” form is on file. Available in the CHS Health Office.

* Free COVID home tests are available in the CHS Health Office.

* New permission for this school year is necessary to test at school routinely or if sick in the health office. Use the primary health app.

California Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) are required to post the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) School Guidance Checklist and the COVID Prevention Plan online. San Diego Unified has made these documents available for public review HERE.

Check Attendance

Students and parents/guardians please review PowerSchool regularly to make sure the attendance record is correct. Over the past few weeks we have had many students out due to the flu. Some of those absences still need to be called in by a parent/guardian and excused as illness. To clear an attendance, follow the instructions under Reporting an Absence on our CHS Attendance Page.