SRHS School Committees
SGT Meeting Dates 2023-24
Site Governance Meetings (SGT) begin at 3:45
SRHS Site Governance Team (SGT)
The SGT (Site Governance Team) is responsible for building a collaborative instructional vision and are accountable for the results. The council provides communication between the school and community and serves as an advisory and decision-making body. The scope of SGT includes changes in the school's instructional program (including dual-enrollment courses), site security/safety plan, site discipline plan, elimination of bargaining unit positions, staff dress code, itinerate staffing assignments, non-classroom supervision schedule, contract of independent study, site start and end times, and the site budget.
SGT Members
Meeting Agenda
To view the current budget, please visit:
To view the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), please visit:
To view the SDUSD DAC page, please visit:
For additional SSC Resources, please visit:
Below are links to additional SDUSD Parent Advisory Groups:
Special Education Council -
English Language Advisory Council -
SRHS School Site Council (SSC)
The School Site Council (SSC) is a group of teachers, parents, administrators, and interested community members who work together to develop and monitor a school's improvement plan and budget development. It is a legally required decision-making body for any school receiving federal funds. The council provides communication between the school and community and serves as an advisory and decision-making body.
SSC Meeting Dates 2024-2025
Meetings begin at 3:45 PM