District Advisory Council (DAC)

The District Advisory Council (DAC) for Compensatory Education Program is a district-level advisory group comprised of parents, site staff, and community leaders who consult with the Board of Education and district staff on behalf of Compensatory Education participants. The DAC is to be elected by parents of pupils in the district who are participating in the Compensatory Education program. Parents are to constitute the majority of the committee's membership. Additionally, Title I law requires that parents be involved in the development of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and the process of school review and improvement. Parents should also be a part of the annual review of the LCAP and the district parent involvement policy. SDUSD combines these two tasks into the DAC's responsibilities.

Each school receiving Title I funds designates one member from the school Site Council to serve as a voting member on the DAC. DAC representatives are advocates for their school who are committed to attend DAC meetings regularly, provide informed input to discussions and decisions, and share information regularly with their School Site Councils. DAC representatives serve as the liaison between the DAC and the SSC, ensuring two-way communication and information.

The DAC consults with the district and facilitates the coordination and cooperation of parents, staff, and the community on matters related to Title I programs. Through the DAC representative, the DAC provides a forum for communication, information, and training for the district's SSCs. Activities include providing input on and reviewing the district's LCAP and reviewing and revising, as needed, the district Title I Parent Involvement Policy.

Reasons why to attend the DAC