SDUSD's San Diego Enhanced Math Initiative is modernizing the TK-12 math experience through rich, multi-dimensional, and relevant mathematics.

Our goal is that all stakeholders in our system see themselves as mathematicians and understand that "Mathematicians are knowledgeable, can apply their thinking when making sense of the world, and can communicate their reasoning as active critical thinkers and problem solvers".

With this vision, the San Diego Unified School District’s mathematics program is designed to engage students in rigorous and relevant mathematics to solve problems associated with personal, civic, and professional contexts. Mathematics classrooms are places where students engage in problem solving, productive discourse, and write about their unique process, application, and perspective with a variety of audiences.

Our core belief is that through enhancements to our math experience, students apply their mathematical expertise and lens to data science, computer science, and making sense of the world around them. Our SDUSD students use mathematics to explore and change the world.

More Information Coming Soon!

Student Resource Worksheet:

Framing My Future

This document is meant to provide students with thought-provoking questions to help them determine which 3rd and 4th year course might be right for them. This document is NOT meant to "lock" students into a specific pathway, rather to provide students with insight as to what course might align best with their passions, career ambitions, and post-secondary goals. The Framing My Future document can be used with a parent or guardian, trusted math teacher, counselor, or advisor, but can also be used by the student without adult support.

Framing My Future