2023-2024 MKU:

Good Morning Military students and families,

Below is some brief MKU information, but before you read that I wanted to welcome you to a new year.....YEAH....I think :) MKU has been a pivotal part of Dana Middle School and the Military students and families it serves for 10 years now. MKU has, and will continue to be a place where students can come and meet other awesome, totally cool and amazing military kids, chat, hang out and hopefully have fun.

I look forward to meeting all the military students this year and I hope you are excited to me and others as well.

I am sure there are a lot of questions, concerns and some fears about what to expect this year, rest assured MKU is a safe place, a place to get to meet new friends, reconnect with old friends and an awesome place to each Chick-Fil-A and have fun!! 

I am excited to get to know you and I can't wait to take-off in this new MKU 2023-2024 year. 

The MKU (Military Kids Unite) after school program meets on the THIRD THURSDAY (unless noted) of every month from 12:40p to 1:30p (lunch is provided- typically by Chick-fil-A).


Make sure you sign up and tell your parents/guardian to get the Remind App. I communicate with parents through this phone app :)

Link to digitally sign up for MKU. Included in this form is a digital permission slip question for your child to attend MKU each month:

Remind App Link:

MKU will meet the following times for the 2023- 2024 school year:

August 31                                January 18

September 21                         February 15 

October 19                               March 21  

November 16                           April 18    

December 14                           May 16 

We meet in the lunch court and/or MPR and then will often find a space to have some fun. 

Mr. Rosenberg

PS: At the bottom of the page I added a few pics of our visit to the USS Bohnomme Richard back in 2010-2011. More cool pics to come!

Welcome to MKU (Military Kids Unite)!

The US Navy SLO (School Liaison Officer) and Fleet & Family Support Center has teamed up with Dana Middle School to provide support for our 5th and 6th grade children whose parents are in the military, face deployment or are on deployment. 

The program provides the opportunity for military children in the school to connect with other military children. The goal is to help children in military families cope with deployments, military moves, and other subjects pertinent to the military child. 

 Students will engage in fun activities at our meetings. MKU is a wonderful opportunity for your child to interact and develop new friendships with other students who have family in the US Armed Forces. We hope to see your child at our meetings! (When we are in person of course)

I will communicate with parents via email when necessary so please make sure I can read your email on the signed permission slip form or use the new digital form in the link. There is information on the forms that explain how to join. 

I look forward to a wonderful school for your child and for Military Kids Unite!


Rodger Rosenberg

MKU Program Director


858-988-2900 ext 1400

History of MKU

Below is a brief history of Military Kids Unite. It is written by Connor Carr, a former Dana Middle School 6th grade student whose dad was deployed in the 2009-2010 school year. Connor had a desire to help others. He knew that life wasn't easy when his dad was on deployment. When Connor decided to helps others he also found that the support was beneficial for him. Connor is now a college student. What he did for others continues to leave a mark in this community. - Mr. Rosenberg

Military Kids Unite Club (MKU):

Helping Military Kids 



My name is Connor Carr, I am 13 years old and the proud son of Colonel Kevin Carr.  When I heard that my Dad was going to deploy to Iraq, a mixture of feelings went through my head.  I was mostly scared, mad and very sad.  My Dad is the best Dad a kid could ever have.  He helps me with math, baseball practice, and he always makes me feel good about myself.  I thought to myself, “How am I going to make it while he is gone for a year?”  I knew I wasn’t the only kid with a dad, mom, sister, brother, or family member that was going to deploy or was already deployed.  I decided that it would be nice to start a club for kids who are going through the same thing as me.  I wanted the club to be a place where kids can come and talk about their feelings and help each other through good and bad times.  I took my idea to my ASB teacher and the principal of my school and they loved it.


On January 21st of this year, MKU, Military Kids Unite, held its first meeting at my middle school, Dana Middle School in San Diego.  About 25 students came to enjoy pizza, cupcakes and to talk about the goals of the club moving forward.  As an ice breaker, we used a question ball to get to know each other.  Our meetings since then have included sharing feelings about our parents being deployed, coping strategies, and card making.  For our last meeting, we had one of our member’s parents, OS2 Griffin, who just returned from a Navy deployment, come and speak to us.  This was really cool because she asked to come and speak at our meeting because her son had talked to her about how the club had helped him while she was gone.  The students enjoyed this.  For our meeting in May, my Mom is bringing in small flags for everyone. We’re going to attach pictures of our military family member and a small paragraph about why we are proud of them.  We are going to put all the flags, which will be about 25, on display in a planter of red, white, and blue flowers for open house, so the other students and their families can honor them as well.


Kids come up to me and thank me for starting the MKU.  It feels really good because I know I’m not only helping myself, but helping other kids like me.  I will be moving to a new school next year and I’m working to start the MKU at my new school, and maybe someday, in all the schools in San Diego!


Thanks for taking the time to read my story.

From, Connor Carr

Founder/Creator of Military Kids Unite 2009-2010

Dana Middle School and proud son of Colonel Carr