About the Teacher 


4th Grade

Room 52

Dear Parents, 

I hope this letter finds you well and full of excitement as we embark on a new school year full of promise and possibilities. The beginning of a school year is a time of fresh starts, new friendships, and the anticipation of all the wonderful experiences that lie ahead. I am thrilled to welcome you to the 4th grade, where I am dedicated to nurturing curiosity, fostering critical thinking, and inspiring a love for learning.

At Ericson Elementary, we believe in the full potential of every student, and our mission is to provide a supportive and engaging environment where your child can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. As we navigate through this year together, I want to assure you that your child's well-being and growth are at the heart of everything we do.

My COmmitment

Holistic Development 

I am committed to nurturing not only academic excellence but also character development, empathy, and respect for diverse perspectives. Our classroom is a safe space for students to express themselves and learn from one another. 

Collaborative Learning

I strongly believe that learning is a collaborative journey. Our students will engage in group engineering projects such as making paper airplanes and building catapults, literature discussions, and activities such as the Stock Market Game that encourage teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. 

Inclusive Environment 

Every student brings a unique set of talents and experiences to our classroom. I celebrate these differences and create an inclusive environment where each voice is valued and heard. 

Challenging Curiosity 

I encourage our students to question, inquire, and explore. Our curriculum is designed to spark curiosity and ignite a thirst for knowledge that extends beyond the classroom. 

Engaging Curriculum:

This year, our 4th graders will embark on a journey of discovery through literature, mathematics, science, art, and much more. From delving into captivating novels to conducting hands-on science experiments, your child will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of subjects that promote both creativity and critical thinking. 

I value your commitment to your child's education and am grateful for your efforts in ensuring their consistent attendance. By aligning your schedules with these important dates, you contribute significantly to your child's academic progress and overall school experience.

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication. I look forward to sharing these upcoming moments with you and your child as we navigate through another rewarding school year together.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please email me at pbarham@sandi.net, contact me on Class Dojo or call the school at 858-271-0505. Thank you very much and I look forward to working with you and your 4th grader this year.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Here's to a year of learning, laughter, and fun!

Yours truly,

Mr. Barham

Ericson Elementary School