Monty Mindsets

Monty Mindsets for Distance Learning

At Montgomery Middle School we are respectful, responsible, empathetic, and safe with our words and actions.


Mute yourself when entering Zoom.

Practice active listening.

Use kind and positive language when sharing comments.

Keep conversations school appropriate and on topic.


Check your school email, Google Classroom and Canvas each day.

Do your best to arrive to Zoom classes on time and turn in assignments on time.

Have paper, a pencil, and other materials with you in Zoom classes.

Attend office hours when you have concerns or questions about assignments or lessons.


Put yourself in other's shoes.

Listen to other people's perspectives and embrace differences.

Be patient with technology issues.


Keep meeting links, your ID and your password private.

Use your own name (first and last) logging into Zoom.

Send your teacher a private message in the chat if there is a problem or you are uncomfortable.

Phones can be used only to contact your teacher or with permission from your teacher.