Transcript Request Form

All transcript requests go through our registrar.

The registrar, Ms. Molina-Cordova, will email you when transcript/records requests are ready for processing.

Another way to request your Official Transcript is through Xello!


** To request an official transcript you must do so through your Xello account**

1. Go to this website (SDUSD A-Z):

2. Click on “Clever”

3. Then “Login with Active Directory”

4. Use your Powerschool Login to join

5. Under “Instant Login Applications” click “Xello”

6. On the right hand side under “Goals and Plans” click “College Planning”

7. Under the pink bar that says “College Applications” click” “Create an Application”

8. Then type in the name of the University who has requested you to send them a transcript (all Universities should be in this platform so make sure you spell the name of the University correctly, or time in the name of the city/state!)

9. Click on the University you need, or “select” on the far right, then click “next” at the bottom right

10. Please enter the “Application Method” (how you applied to the school), and the “Admission” (most are rolling admissions or regular decision). 

11. Enter the application deadline (when the transcripts need to be turned in by). Most schools give you this deadline date in their email, but if not put sometime in June. 

12. Click “create” at the bottom right corner

13. Once prompted to the next page under “Application Checklist” Click the “request” button next to transcript. 

If you have done all these steps successfully a “Success!” green bar should appear at the top of the page, and a green check mark should appear inside of the Transcript bar. 

And that is it! Through Xello you will be able to track once your transcripts have been sent/received/ and viewed!