WELCOME TO THE 2015, 2017, 2018, 2023, and 2024  



Mrs. Pearson and Ms. Pompilio, Advisors

What is JMUN?

Junior Model United Nations is a competitive role playing group or delegation. We are assigned to represent different countries as members of United Nations Committees at the conference each year in May. Student delegates learn about the country they represent, consider the government's point of view on a wide variety of topics, and propose solutions for many of the world's problems. When we get to the conference, we do our best to earn points for our team by making speeches, debating issues, and voting on the best solution(s). Each year we compete against schools from all over San Diego County. Currently, San Diego Regional JMUN is the longest running conference west of the Mississippi, and almost entirely student-led.

Some of the topics on last year's agenda (Session XLV) included: Russia's aggression in Ukraine and the Baltic Region, regulating cryptocurrency, improving access to sanitation in urban areas, and preventing the spread of anti-feminism. 

In order to showcase our knowledge of these topics and our assigned country's perspective, students are required to use the following skills: research, writing, critical thinking, public speaking and debate. 

JMUN is an advisory activity open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students with stellar grades (A's/B's, E/M for citizenship) and teacher recommendations. Students who compete successfully at the middle school level can continue to compete in 9th grade at Patrick Henry, and may later become part of the Secretariat or organizing group. These are outstanding students who go above and beyond to create a meaningful, positive, and memorable conference for our student delegates.

Delegates must be enrolled in a JMUN advisory, complete all assignments for the competition on time, and maintain high academic and citizenship grades in their classes (A's/B's; E's/M's) throughout the course of the school year in order to participate in the conference. 

Today's Delegates, Tomorrow's Peacemakers

Students at conference will be striving for the following awards. 

Rapporteur (most diplomatic, well-versed)

Outstanding Delegate (knowledge and insight regarding their topic)

Gavel (diplomatic skill above and beyond expectations)

Research Award (exceptional use of research in their work)

Economic Award (best economic solution in a resolution)

Commendation (insight and understanding of broader international factors affecting their committee)

Interested in Joining?

Recruiting occurs at the end of each academic year for currently enrolled Lewis students. There will be additional recruiting at the start of the school year for new 6th Grade students and students new to Lewis. 

If you are interested in joining our team, please fill out this application by Friday, September 6. This application will also be found in the student bulletin for the weeks of August 26-30 and September 3-6. A team of JMUN delegates will also be visiting 6th grade Advisory classrooms during the week of August 26-30.