Frequently Asked Questions

I need HELP!!!

Have no fear! The math teachers can be found in the library Mon-Thurs from 2:30 pm -3:00 pm to help with any questions, homework assistance, or just extra practice.


Does Ms. Lee accept late work?

Absolutely! If you are willing to put in the effort to get the assignment done and learn the concept, I will make sure to add the grade into the grade book so that your grade reflects your effort. However, please do not expect to receive full credit. The highest grade you will receive will be 50% of the full points and this is only if the assignment is done completely accurately or correctly.

If I don't like a grade can I redo or make up the assignment?

If you are not happy with the grade you received, you have two choices. These choices are only available to students who completed the assignments on time and completely.

1) You can redo the assignment for a better grade after attending an after school tutoring session. If you do better, I will take that grade and place it in the grade book.

2) Do an assignment covering the same topic after having attended an after school tutoring session. Whatever grade you receive on this assignment will replace the first grade.


Please see Ms. Lee's math journal for your class and copy any notes you missed. Please pick up any handouts you missed in your group bin. If you have any questions about the assignments or announcements while you were gone, be sure to check with Ms. Lee or a peer!

*If you want full credit make sure you submit it within 5 days*

What if I miss an exam/test or quiz while I am absent/gone for a school event?

If you know you are going to be absent due to a doctor's appointment, vacation, or school event, etc., you need to schedule to make up the exam before the day of your absence.

If you didn't know you were going to be absent (example due to illness), you will need to speak with me upon your return to make up the exam after school. Be sure to make up the exam in a timely fashion so that you do not see a zero in the grade book for your exam!

Either way, do not be surprised if you get a different version than the ones that other students take in class. I want to make sure neither have an unfair advantage because their anyone has seen what the exam looks like early!