The Jonas Salk Elementary School
Lion's Den
Welcome to your den, Lions!
Use this website to find important information for your learning.
Hi Lion Scholars!
I'm Jonas, and I want to personally welcome you to school! We know you are doing your personal best each and every day!
Use this page to find your College's Page, links to your virtual classroom (Zoom rooms, Canvas, PowerSchool), and more!
Please also remember to practice good character! I've added a button below for you to review the 7 HABITS+1 and another button for you to access the Daily Pledge. Make yourself proud!
Love your friend,
Jonas the Lion
ECSE & UTK Colleges
ECSE & UTK Colleges
First Grade Colleges
First Grade Colleges
Second Grade Colleges
Second Grade Colleges
Third Grade Colleges
Third Grade Colleges
Fourth Grade Colleges
Fourth Grade Colleges