Local Native Resources
Southern California American Indian Resource Center
239 E. Main Street | El Cajon, CA 92020 | 888.21.SCAIR | https://www.scairinc.org/
Provide career, educational, cultural, mental health and supportive services to Native Americans/ Alaska Natives/ Hawaiian Natives and their families, throughout San Diego County.
American Indian Recruitment (AIR) Program
PO Box 880471 | San Diego, CA 92168 | info@airprograms.org | http://airprogram.site.aplus.net/Contact_Information.html
Created at SDSU in partnership with the Dept. of American Indian Studies to promote higher education and success in academics in the American Indian community. Provides supplemental educational instruction through tutoring, mentoring, and various activities designed to achieve success within high school and higher education. E-mail: info@airprograms.org
StrongHearts Native 24/7 Helpline
1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483) | https://strongheartshelpline.org
Confidential and anonymous culturally appropriate domestic, dating and sexual violence helpline for Native Americans.
San Diego American Indian Health Center
2630 First Avenue, SD, CA 92103 | (619) 619-234-2158 | https://sdaihc.org
Provides: Medical, Dental, Behavioral Health; Traditional Wellness programming and support services offered specific to youth, those in recovery and all community members.
Southern Indian Health Council, Inc.
4058 Willows Road, Alpine, CA 91901 | (619) 445-1188 press 1 | https://sihc.org
Provides: comprehensive range of wellness, professional health care, dental, and social services.
Tribal TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
La Mesa Office: 8100 La Mesa Blvd., Suite 100 | (866) 913-3725 | https://sctca.net/tribal-tanf/
Provides: Support Services, Career Development, Payment of Employment and Educational Expenses, Educational Support.
California Indian Legal Services (CILS)
609 S. Escondido Boulevard, Escondido, CA 92025 | (760)746-8941; (800)743-8941 | https://www.calindian.org
CILS has provided free and low-cost legal services to California tribes, tribal organizations, and Native American individuals throughout the State since 1967.