Supporting The Vision

Our Vision is simple. Show Up and Be Active. Education is the key to building up our mind, body and spirit. So the more we contribute to educating ourselves and members, the better equipped we become to build up our families and our communities. 

San Antonio Valley Clubs :

Corpus Christi-Rockport

Coastal Bend Club

President: Dennis Yates, 32 0 KSA

Rio Grande Valley

Rio Grande Valley Club

President: Westley Wright, 32 0 KCCH


Brush Country Club

President: Joseph Avalos, 32 0 KCCH


Rio Bravo Club

President: Hector Soliz, 32



President: James Mangrum, 32 0 KCCH


Hill Country

President: James A. Bobbitt, 32 0 KSA

San Antonio Valley Education :

Continuing Masonic Education

In Person Meeting

Last Thursday of the Month - 7pm

Continuing Masonic Education

ZOOM Meeting

Third Monday of the Month - 7pm

San Antonio Valley Stated Meeting

First Thursday of the Month - 7pm

To Join Us

Contact our Education Chair: Chris Williams, 32° KCCH to be added to the contact list for any or all