Amr Abuzaid's Journal

About Me

First and foremost, I'm a Human! I dedicate my efforts across my several fields of interest for prosperity of the Humanity.

What am I doing for earn living? I'm a Supply Chain Engineer, but I took it for another level beyond just being a job. I'm focusing on mitigating global supply chain disruptions through enhancing local manufacturing alternatives, and to make supply chain more sustainable and environmental friendly.

Besides, I'm focusing on STEM education as I perceive that this discipline is the cornerstone to boosting the local economy. Accordingly, I participated in the NASA space apps Cairo in 2016 as a team leader where I worked with my team on a project to help children and young people understand one of the space phenomena. Luckily, our proposal inspired judges, and we were nominated among the winning teams!

Me participating in our Final presentation during NASA Space Apps Cairo '16 at Zewail City For Science and Technology

My Hobbies

I'm interested in making things and prototypes, reading scientific topics related to space exploration. I'm quite fond of watching scientific documentaries. Besides, I'm a tennis player, not that professional, but my skills are quite good!

A 'PRUSA' 3D Printer at ODC

Why 'Maker Diploma'?

I'm eager to join the diploma as it will provide the knowledge and network that I will build upon to create reliable local alternatives to some imported spare parts; thus, I can help mitigate global supply chain disruptions.

In addition to my goals related to my full-time job, I'm looking forward to launching a startup that will work on creating smart gadgets for homes and daily life activities that, eventually, would make an outstanding experience for my targeted customers.