The period Essay is a mini educative project promoting menstrual health knowledge and information amongst people through written competition.


Period taboo exists and this has worked to hinder proper menstrual health management as women and girls are forced to keep silent about shared experiences of menstruation and period discussion. In most families, the period is likened to a shameful experience that should be kept secret. Due to this, a lot of women and girls are unable to access proper menstrual health information and this has caused health issues for women and girls.

Problem statement

We are attempting to solve the problem associated with menstruation as a taboo and shameful experience and topic.

Proposed solution

Public writing and publication have a way of promoting awareness of a topic and enhancing discussions around it. With our Essay competition held quarterly, we will be able to promote menstrual health management awareness and break period taboos. After a publication is made for the topic, entries will be open, at the close date, all works will be assessed based on five criteria:

  • Clarity of exposition and argument

  • Critical understanding of the topic

  • Documentation of works cited

  • Appropriateness

  • Relevance and relatability of work

In the end, a winner is selected to win a period kit containing a menstrual cup, reusable cloth pads, pant liners and a manual period book and calendar. Consolation prizes of a menstrual cup and period book each will be given to the top two.

Azizat Abdulmalik - Winner of the pilot period competition, 2021.

Azizat Abdulmalik, is an SS1 student of Rock N Gardens Academy, Lokoja, Kogi State and she participated in the competition to lend her voice towards breaking period taboo and teaching others about PCOS, the pilot topic was - An Essay on "The Association between Hormones and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome"

She emerged the winner in the competition and won a period kit alongside It's the Red Dots period book, a book on menstruation. The star prize is sponsored by Ka-Awambe Nigeria Limited, an alternative menstrual production company.