Counselors Corner

Mrs. Barlow, Liberty Elementary School Counselor

My name is Jessica Barlow and this upcoming school year will be my thirteenth year as Liberty's School Counselor. Liberty Elementary’s school counseling program offers many resources and tools for your child’s academic and emotional needs. School-wide, your child will receive character education lessons that are based on our “7 Habits for Becoming a Liberty Leader”. These lessons are taught throughout the school year in the classroom.

The school counseling program offers more than just guidance lessons. If your child needs more one-on-one guidance to learn specific skills, small group sessions are held in my office to teach students in different areas. The areas that are addressed in small groups are feeling management, social skills, focusing/impulse control, and character education. These groups are a fun way for children to express themselves and to learn different skills to help them socially and emotionally. If you would like your child to participate in these groups please contact me and we will get them in the right group.

Some students have other areas of need that would be better provided individually. I provide individual counseling sessions for students with all types of different needs. I can also assist parents with resources and referral information if a student needs to be referred to an outside counseling agency for more intensive counseling. 

At Liberty, we want our parents to know that we are here to help in any way we can. If you need resources to help your child or family we can provide those to you. You can contact me through email, phone, or class dojo and I will gladly assist you in any way I can. 

Jessica Barlow,

"Intelligence plus Character-that is the goal of true education."-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Mrs. Barlow's Google Classroom 

Mrs. Barlow's Counseling Corner

Enrollment Dates

Spring Enrollment will be on April 3rd and 4th for new incoming PreK3, PreK4, and Kindergarten Students. Students who are currently enrolled at Liberty do not need to be pre-enrolled for the following year. 

Age requirements:

PreK3-Must be three-years-old on or before September 1st, 2024

PreK4-Must be four-years-old on or before September 1st, 2024
Kindergarten-Must be five-years-old on or before September 1st, 2024 

Upcoming Events/News

I just wanted to share with you a new way to let me know if you would like me to check in with your child or request counseling services. This link below will direct you to a simple form to fill out and I will respond in 24-48 hours during the school week. You are always more than welcome to email me at or call me as well. I will also be sending out an overview of our school counseling program as well as the school counseling newsletter this week. We are happy to have your babies back with us and are looking forward to a great school year!

Parent Link for requesting check-ins/counseling services