Orchestra Syllabus

Sprague High School

Subject Area:Orchestra

Course Titles: Advanced Orchestra (Camerata), Orchestra (Symphony Strings), String Ensemble, and Advanced Symphony Orchestra

Instructor: Lisa Rael (Hanson)

Classroom: 170

Office: in classroom

Phone: extension 506621

Email: hanson_lisa@salkeiz.k12.or.us

Orchestra Course Descriptions:

This course is a year-long class. This class will have high standards for performance and include fundamentals and enhancement of string orchestra playing, including violin, viola, cello and bass and piano. Students will learn to develop an appreciation of music, build skills for efficient practicing, follow a conductor, and increase music literacy - including music reading, recognizing articulations and musical styles, and understanding musical terms. Students will receive exposure to music's relation to history and art. Emphasis will also be placed on exposing each student to a variety of performing experiences and music in which to apply these skills. Participation is required for concerts and possible morning and evening rehearsals relating to competition.

String Ensemble - String Ensemble is an intermediate level orchestra for grade 9 students who play violin, viola, cello, or bass. Membership in String Ensemble requires an informal audition with the director, and is open to all students who have developed proficiency on their instrument that enables them to play the repertoire of the ensemble. String Ensemble shares many concert venues with the other Sprague orchestras, and on occasion combines forces with them. Infrequent pre-concert rehearsals are required to this end. Participation in private lessons is strongly recommended.

Symphony Strings - Symphony Strings is an upper-intermediate level orchestra for grade 10-12 students who play violin, viola, cello, or bass. Membership in Symphony Strings requires an informal audition with the director, and is open to all students who have developed proficiency on their instrument that enables them to play the repertoire of the ensemble. Symphony Strings shares many concert venues with the other Sprague orchestras, and on occasion combines forces with them. Infrequent after-school or pre-concert rehearsals are required to this end. Participation in private lessons is strongly recommended.

Advanced Symphony Orchestra - ASO is Sprague’s full symphonic orchestra. Participation requires an audition with the director and is open to intermediate to advanced string players. Students in grades 9-12 are eligible. Auditions are held in April of the previous school year and sometimes mid-year prior to the start of 2nd semester. Students who are new to the school may arrange a special audition upon arrival. ASO performs a variety of string orchestra literature in the fall concert, and for the rest of the school year performs full orchestra repertoire in collaboration with Wind Ensemble. Advanced Symphony Orchestra competes in the OSAA Orchestra Festival each spring. Before- or after-school sectionals are sometimes required to this end. Participation in private lessons is strongly recommended.

Camerata - Camerata is an advanced-level string ensemble comprising the most skilled and committed string players of Sprague High School. Students in grades 9-12 are eligible. Participation requires an audition with the director. Auditions are held in April of the previous school year and sometimes mid-year prior to the start of 2nd semester. Students who are new to the school may arrange a special audition upon arrival. Camerata performs a wide variety of string orchestra literature, and occasionally performs with soloists from within the group as well as special guest soloists. Camerata competes in the OSAA Orchestra Festival each spring. Before- or after-school sectionals are sometimes required to this end. Small-group instruction and sectional rehearsals are important adjunct activities to rehearsals with the entire ensemble. Participation in private lessons is strongly recommended.

Orchestra Course Objectives:

Students will learn to develop:

  • A positive sense and an appreciation of music

  • Music literacy – interpreting, reading, and sight-reading music

  • Efficient practicing techniques

  • Skills necessary to perform solo or in a group

  • The ability to recognize articulations and musical styles

  • Knowledge of musical terms

  • Sight reading skills

Emphasis will also be placed on exposing each student to a variety of performance experiences and music in which to apply these skills.

Required texts and other readings: Orchestra literature and pedagogy pieces that reinforce scales, rhythms, etc. will be provided. Students will need to purchase solo literature for contests.


Personal instruments are recommended and all possible measure will be taken to ensure their safety while at school. Parents are responsible for the timely upkeep of their student’s personal instrument. Cellists and Double Bass players do not need to bring their personal instrument to school. District cellos and basses will be available to play at school, but each student also needs to have an instrument to practice on at home.

District instruments are available for student use and may be checked out from Ms. Hanson. Availability is limited. Students are responsible for any breakage or damage while in their care. A contract will need to be signed for liability.

Students will be required to purchase:

· A shoulder rest for violins or violas

· A rock stop for cellists and basses

· Rosin (all instruments – violins, violas, cellos, and basses)

· An orchestral mute (violins, violas, and cellos)

· Strings for the instrument

· Concert Dress

Concert Dress Code

Girls: String Ensemble and Symphony Strings: Long black dress, skirt, or dress slacks with a black blouse, sweater, or jacket. Modest necklines and sleeves (no sleeveless). Black socks or nylons and black dress shoes.

Camerata and ASO: Concert Dresses. This black concert dress can be ordered directly from tuxedowholesaler.com or by calling 1-800-828-2802. The dress is "Dakota" in black. Cost is $52 . Students will use it for all school performances during their years attending Sprague HS.

Boys: String Ensemble: All black (long-sleeved black dress shirt or turtleneck), black dress slacks and shoes. Black dress socks.

Camerata, Symphony Strings, and ASO: Black Tuxedo, white shirt, with black bow tie. Black dress shoes and black socks. Can be purchased at tuxedowholesaler.com

For anyone needing concert clothes: Please let Mrs. Rael know if there is a financial need and we will work to get you what you need.

Course Outline

Over the course of a semester, students will:

· Know the importance of good tone production and bowing

· Develop a good concept of intonation and the importance of balance and blend

· Gain the ability to choose appropriate fingering and position

· Learn different bow techniques, vibrato, and how to play harmonics

· Know music theory and history and its relation to other arts

· Demonstrate knowledge of Scales and Key signatures

· Develop an understanding of the importance of hand position and proper technique

Students will demonstrate knowledge by:

· Performing scales and assigned sections from in-class pieces

· Performing solos and duets

· Attending and participating in contests – solo and orchestral

· Attending and participating in concerts

· Theory and music history assessments on paper

· Sight reading – in class, and in individual assessment.

Through this, students will gain an understanding of the importance of stage presence, the ability to evaluate self, and an understanding of orchestral repertoire.Daily assignments include music theory sheets; play tests on solos and scales, and ear training exercises.

Homework includes individual practice, and concert reviews

Grading Policies

Each student’s grade will be determined by performances, in-class work, improvement, playing tests, and written tests. These grades will be averaged together to determine the final grade. A = 90-100%, B = 80-89%, C = 70-79%, D = 60-69%.

The following percentages will apply in grading:

  1. Performance (summative assessment) 40%

  2. In-class work (formative assessment) 40%

  3. Improvement (formative assessment) 10%

  4. Tests (summative assessment 10%

  5. Concert Performance: Since each member of the orchestra plays a vital part, the success of our orchestra depends on everyone attending each concert/performance. A student’s grade will be lowered for being late, talking, improper dress, not following directions, or improper behavior. Performances are required. Performance is evidence of practice and improvement made, and demonstration of learning gains. If a student conflict should arise, parental contact one week prior to the performance date is necessary. . Excused absences of Concert Performance will require make-up work. An example of make-up work would be for the student to make a recording of himself or herself playing their performance. There is a time limit to turn make-up work in. Unexcused absences will be unable to be made up.

  6. In-class work: Each student is expected to participate fully in all classroom activities. Students must be present to participate and receive instruction; therefore, excessive absences or tardiness may interfere with a successful grade. Students are expected to show improvement each week. Students who do not have their instruments cannot receive a grade for participation. If a note from home is received stating the reason for non-participation (instrument in shop, pending repairs, student injury, etc.), then the grade can be made up. The note will be honored for five days.

    • Students who have three unexcused non-instrument days within one grading period may be assigned make-up work or have their grade lowered by one full step.

    • Classroom disruptions may result in a reduction of the grade as well. Students who are disruptive may be asked to put their instruments away and may be removed from the classroom. Participation is graded by teacher observation.

  7. Improvement: Each student is expected to show improvement weekly throughout the semester. Teacher observation and playing tests will determine this portion of the grade. Practice will be given as homework, and is a requirement of the class. Learning to play an instrument is a progressive study of the processes, skills, strategies and styles that need to be practiced and repeated consistently.

  8. Test scores: Tests, both written and played, will be given during the semester. Tests that are missed should be made up within 5 days. If there is no effort by the student to schedule a time and date within these 5 days, a zero will be recorded in the grade book. There will be no extra credit offerings.

How to get an “A” in Orchestra:

Be at all the performances and participate during class! Come to class prepared with music and instrument and pencil! Be a team player and make music! Play your instrument and practice at home!


Students are expected to practice at least 30 minutes each day they do not have school orchestra. Students need to practice scales and also school literature. Practicing an instrument is an important part of the learning process. Class time is reserved for instruction, ensemble rehearsal, and work with instrumental section. Improvement necessary for students requires out of class practice on technique and musicality. Practice is assigned homework in orchestra and is a requirement of the class.

Extra rehearsals:


Advanced Symphony Orchestra (OSAA Orchestra Competition – full orchestra)

January through mid-May: students are required to attend string sectional rehearsals after school -1st violins, Monday, 2nds and violas, Tuesday, Cellos, Wednesday. And full orchestra rehearsals from 6:00-7:30pm each Thursday evening.

Camerata (OSAA Orchestra Competition – both full and string orchestra)

January through mid-May: Camerata students are required to participate with Advanced Symphony Orchestra in the district and state performances and will attend ASO’s sectional rehearsals.

January through mid-May: Additionally, Camerata students are expected to meet with their section once a week for 40 minutes. These sectionals will be scheduled to best accomodate students involved. They will be after school on weekdays. Conflicts between time commitments for orchestra and another music ensemble at Sprague HS (for example, ASO and Frameworks), will be worked out between the two directors involved.

Classroom Policies

  • ABSENCES: Orchestra is a performance-based and participation-required class. Even when absences are excused, they may have a detrimental effect on learning and being successful in this class. Missed work/activities/concerts must be discussed with your teacher from any absence whether it is excused or unexcused.

  • TARDIES: You are expected to be on time to class. Students who are late 10 minutes or less will be marked tardy. Tardies will be counted as a deduction from your daily participation grade, and when accumulated, will negatively affect a student’s grade. After three tardies, teacher will make a phone call to parents. After five tardies, a referral will be sent to Student Management.

  • PARTICIPATION: You are expected to come to class prepared with a pencil that works, your instrument, music and rosin. If a student is unprepared for class, or does not participate or is a distraction, points will be deducted from your daily participation grade. When accumulated, these deductions in points will negatively affect a student’s grade. Excessive unexcused absences will lower students grade.

  • Daily Expectations: Electronic devices, gum, food and drink are unacceptable in any music rehearsal. No food or drink will allowed in the classroom, except for water. Cell phones are not allowed in class, with the exception of when teacher asks student get them out for specific curriculum-based activities. (like for a tuner or metronome)

  • Be Honest About What You Know: Be honest during individual assignments, such as tests or reports. Write your own work, present your own ideas and find your own answers.

  • Bathroom passes will be given only on a limited basis. You are expected to be in class.

  • Sprague High School behavior expectations will be followed. Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe. If students choose not to meet behavior expectations, consequences ranging in severity may be administered. (e.g. speaking with student/parents to referral to Student Management)

  • Electronic Device policy

Cell phones, headphones, earbuds, hand held music or game devices are to be put away in the classroom. If an emergency arises and a parent needs to be communicated, the student will be sent to the office to communicate with parent. Electronic Devices disrupt the classroom and will be confiscated and referred to Student Management if they are out, or being used regardless of whether device is visible or not. Occasionally I will ask students take out their cell phones to record dates or tune instruments, use metronomes, or use music theory apps. I will be clear about when it is okay to take cell phones out for those educational purposes, and when they should be put away.

  • Plagiarism: We at Sprague take plagiarism very seriously. Please make sure that both student and parent familiarize themselves with the policy in the Student Handbook. Students will be held accountable for producing their own work and documenting others' properly. See the handbook for consequences of Plagiarism.

  • Dress Code: Students at Sprague are expected to follow all dress code rules as outlined by Salem Keizer Public Schools. Please make sure that both student and parent familiarize themselves with the policy. Students will be held accountable if they are not dressed appropriately. They will be ofered an item of clothing that corrects the problem or will call home for parent to bring something that meets the policy. We need parents help to ensure they are dressed appropriately before they leave home each morning. Thanks in advance for your help. The dress code applies when Sprague students are at any Salem-Keizer event.

Parent-teacher contact – Mrs. Rael will contact parent/guardian if there are concerns about the conduct or performance of a student.

Required curriculum-related performances are: Four main concerts a year, & contests

Fall Concert, Winter Concert, Benefit Concert, and Spring Concert.

Optional curriculum-related performances are:

Orchestra program field trips with service learning performance, like Orchestra Chamber Camp and Disney Trip

Academic Support

My office is in the classroom. The best time to talk to me is after school! It is best if you schedule it with me. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail at rael_lisa@salkeiz.k12.or.us or by phone at extension 506621!