

Salinas City Elementary School District's mission is "Students are the focus of our work". In support of this, the mission of Sherwood School is to "Inspire and Support Student Growth and Learning".

Sherwood School is a professional learning community that holds student achievement as its primary focus. Our vision is that through shared accountability for all of our students throughout the school, a strong core instructional program, research validated intervention programs, and a well-developed program improvement process we will become an exemplary school in serving our student population and community. Team members will ensure that every student learns grade level curriculum and is supported in her/his need for assistance in meeting California content standards as they reflect the Common Core Standards. We are a caring and committed staff who will regularly reflect upon:

• Breaking down barriers that impede school-wide teamwork between all members of our school community (including parents)

• Essential learning goals and curricular content

• Successful instructional strategies and techniques

• Analysis of student need to drive instruction and positive behavior support

• Professional development to exemplify education as a life-long opportunity

• Social development as a key to becoming caring and conscientious citizens


Sherwood School is one of 14 elementary schools in the Salinas City Elementary School District. Located in the eastern part of Salinas, California, a predominantly agricultural community, Sherwood's K-6 population is categorized as: economically disadvantaged (98%, based on Compensatory Education data); predominantly Hispanic (98%); migrant (20%); English learner (79%); and approximately 80% of our students parents are not high school graduates.

The Sherwood staff consists of one principal, one Vice-Principal (100%) and one Vice-Principal (60%), 35 classroom teachers,1 academic coach, 3 instructional aides, office and custodial staff, a part-time itinerant music teacher, a part-time speech pathologist, a part-time psychologist, a migrant community coordinator, one library aide, one health aide, and noon supervisors to assist with the lunch program and playground safety.

Our staff is dedicated to providing each child with the best educational opportunity possible, utilizing an array of research-based and validated materials and practices. Sherwood's interventions are the finest in the district. We are proud of the diversity, dedication, and many talents of our staff and their passion to assist and better serve our students and community. Our goal is for all students to

be at or above grade level. In order to achieve this, we assess all Sherwood students and provide intervention services when a child demonstrates a learning gap in language arts and/or mathematics. We strongly believe that education is a cooperative relationship among students, staff, parents, and the community, thus we have a parent center we share with the migrant program offering daily classes in English, parenting, and school support skills.

Sherwood School proudly offers kindergarten classes in which students attend school for 200 minutes each day. First through third grade students receive 297 minutes of instruction, while fourth to sixth receive 315 minutes. Minimum days are scheduled for parent-teacher conferences and staff development.

Sherwood School has been designated as a Program Improvement (PI) school. As a PI school, Sherwood has complied with all federal and state regulations and mandates. Parents have been notified in English and Spanish of their legal rights, which include school choice and supplemental services. Corrective actions have included: professional staff development in the areas of language arts, mathematics, and ELD; extended (supplemental) learning opportunities for students; replacement of school staff (principal, vice principal); implementation of a "Response to Intervention" instructional format. Specific corrective actions, for example, have included a restructuring of the language arts program delivery by providing kindergarten through sixth grade students intervention and enrichment via homogeneous flexible groups.

Each school year, on a regular basis, Sherwood stakeholders meet to determine which needs are not being met and where the school staff should focus its attention and funding for the next year(s).

Parent Involvement Committees

School Site Council- This group of elected members, half parents and half school staff members, serve as an advisory committee with regard to curriculum, budget, and extra-curricular activities. The elected members meet once a month; all parents are invited to attend.

Parent Club - This group of parents and guardians has recently been formed. since this group is incipient, we are planning to share a surveying process to ascertain our parents needs, particularly as they support our students. Currently, Sherwood school partners with our migrant program to provide services to parents on campus. With the re-opening of the public library as a parent center, classes in computing, English and physical fitness are available to parents at Sherwood. Our goal is to educate and empower our parents to become active, participating members of the Sherwood School community.

English Language Learners Advisory Committee -- Our parents have voted to combine this vital committee with our School Site Council. Our elected ELAC representative attends monthly DELAC meetings which have formal agendas to discuss site-based and district-wide issues that affect English learners. Our representative serves as an advisor to the SSC.

Migrant Parent Committee -- Our parents have voted to also combine this committee with our School Site Council. Issues impacting our migrant learner population are open for discussion and recommendation during our regular SSC meetings. One parent is our representative to SSC and also attends district MAC meetings.