6th Grade


First Form service-learning focus is helping battle against homelessness and poverty in our world

A central component of Salem Academy’s mission is Service-Learning. Service-Learning provides an opportunity for students to apply their academic learning to fieldwork in service to Salem, the greater community, and our global community. The school collaborates with civic organizations in order to facilitate these experiences.

Specifically, the 6th grade works with local organizations, including LifeBridge and SPUR, to help bring relief to their own community. Sixth grade students throughout the year will help organize canned food drives throughout the year and help collect items to distribute to those less fortunate in our own community at the end of the year.

They will also learn how hunger and poverty affect communities and explore ways they can help impact the global community in a positive way.

Each month the first form will be collecting a particular item recommended by LifeBridge of what they need to donate. We will take these donations and create care bags for our community. Each month in our newsletter “In the Mix with Grade Six” you can read about what our students have been doing as part of our Service Learning at SACS and at the end of the year parents and community members will be invited to attend our Service- Learning Fair.

Items we will be collecting throughout the year include but are not limited to toothbrush, toothpaste, tissues, socks, hand sanitize, deodorants, clothing, food, books hats, and gloves.

Service-Learning at Salem Academy