Orientation FAQs

Orientation Program & Activities

Q: Are all incoming students required to complete orientation?

A: Yes! Whether you are an incoming first-year or started at Salem last year, orientation is required for first-year (c/o '25) and second-year (c/o '24) undergraduate students.

Q: Do I have to register for orientation?

A: Yes! Click here to register for orientation.

Please Note: If you plan to live on campus, click here to register for move-in!

Q: Will orientation be online?

A: We are excited to host orientation on campus this year! The orientation schedule you choose on the home page will include the dates, times, and locations for your orientation sessions.

Finding Your Orientation Schedule

Q: Which orientation schedule will I be following?
A: Click the statement which best describes you below to find your orientation schedule!

2021 is going to be my first year at Salem and I intend to live on campus

2021 is going to be my first year at Salem and I intend to live at home

2021 is going to be my second year at Salem and I intend to live on campus

2021 is going to be my second year at Salem and I intend to live at home

I'm not an incoming Salem student but I will be accompanying my Salem student to orientation

COVID-19 and Orientation

Q: How many guests or family members can I bring with me to orientation?

A: In keeping with COVID-19 restrictions, we are able to accommodate two family members or guests per student attending orientation. For residential students, one family member or guest can assist you during move-in as well as the Salem staff and student that will also be on hand to help you move in!

Please note: Neither residential students, commuter students, and/or orientation guests should NOT report to campus if they meet any of the conditions requiring orientation re-scheduling found under the dropdown menu below.

  1. You or anyone in your household is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms:

    • Fever or chills

    • New cough

    • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

    • New headache

    • Muscle or body aches or fatigue

    • New sore throat

    • Nausea or vomiting

    • Diarrhea

    • New loss of your sense of taste or smell

    • Nasal congestion or runny nose (not related to allergies)

  2. You or anyone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19 and the isolation period has not expired.

    • Per CDC guidelines, Salem requires that persons with COVID-19 symptoms or illness remain in isolation until at least 10 days have passed since the symptoms first appeared (or the date of a positive test result was obtained for asymptomatic persons), and such persons have been fever-free at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication, and such persons’ symptoms have resolved. If you or your move-in helper have had COVID-19 during the one-month period prior to move-in, notify Residence Life to confirm your clearance for campus entry.

  3. You or anyone in your household are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test due to symptoms or exposure at the time of move-in.

  4. You have had “close contact” (within 6 feet for a cumulative total of 15 minutes over a 24-hour period) in the last 10 days with someone that has a suspected or lab confirmed case of COVID-19 and you are not fully vaccinated for COVID-19.

  5. You have been directed by a healthcare provider or health department to quarantine within the last 10 days and you are not fully vaccinated for COVID-19.

  6. You have traveled internationally or on a cruise ship within the last 10 days and you are not fully vaccinated for COVID-19.

  7. You were not cleared for move-in by Health Services during the COVID-19 screening.

    • Any students or helpers who are not cleared for move-in by Health Services during the campus entry health screening will be required to reschedule their move-in subject to any required testing, quarantine, or isolation directives.

Students who require orientation rescheduling should contact Victoria Burgos at victoria.burgos@salem.edu

Q: How many guests or family members can I bring with me to move-in?

A: Incoming residential students may bring two family members or guests can assist you during move-in as well as the Salem staff and student that will also be on hand to help you move in!

Please note: Residential students and move-in helpers should NOT report to campus if they meet any of the conditions requiring move-in rescheduling found at the link below.

Students who require move-in rescheduling should contact the College Office of Residence Life at residencelife@salem.edu

Other Questions?

Q: Who should I contact if I have a question regarding orientation that is not answered here?

A: Please feel free to reach out to our Orientation Team at orientation@salem.edu

Q: Who should I contact if I have a question regarding move in that is not answered here?

A: Please feel free to reach out to our Office of Residence Life at residencelife@salem.edu