Alyssa Loarca

Beholden to Beauty

Throughout time beauty has been seen through the eyes of the beholder, and was always changing. Some say beauty comes from within, and that if a person can appreciate their own image than they have become the beholder of themselves. But what if the beholder cannot see their own beauty? This body of work explores the idea of how we are blind to our own beauty, changing ourselves to fit the narrative and hurting our own identity.

Blue Light

The Devourer

Open Up for Me

Breathe Easy WIP

About the Artist

The artist behind the dark masked figures is none other than Alyssa Loarca, a senior graduating with a double major in Psychology and Studio Art. Born and raised in Northern VA with her two clones (she's a triplet), she has always found her happy in making art. When she enrolled into Salem she made a beeline for that studio art major.

Her main medium are oil paints, but has worked with many others including glass and resin. Her work has been shown in a Juried Art show and won 1st place for her winter submission in Incanabula, Salem College's literary magazine. After graduation she plans to go to graduate school to get her masters in Art Therapy and Counseling if COVID-19 permits it.

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