08.2. Veiem altres jocs!

De jocs n'hi ha de molts tipus: de taula, a l'aire lliure, de cooperació o competitius, joc simbòlic, de rol, de lògica, d'agilitat... Per altra banda, hi ha jocs més coneguts i d'altres que no ho són tant... O jocs més antics i d'altres més actuals!

Activitat de grup 6

A continuació veurem diversos jocs de taula. Jugueu-ne i expliqueu en què consisteix el joc al que has jugat. L'objectiu d'aquesta tasca és:

  • Llegir i entendre les instruccions dels jocs.

  • Veure diferents estils i materials de joc.

  • Agafar idees per al vostre joc de taula.

Ompliu la següent graella amb un joc que t'hagi cridat l'atenció.

Let's discover a game: Snakes and ladders!

Activitat individual 6

Introductory video:

The game explained:

Snakes and ladders, known originally as Moksha Patam, is an ancient Indian board game for two or more players regarded today as a worldwide classic. It is played on a game board with numbered, gridded squares. A number of "ladders" and "snakes" are pictured on the board, each connecting two specific board squares. The object of the game is to navigate one's game piece, according to die rolls, from the start (bottom square) to the finish (top square), helped by climbing ladders but hindered by falling down snakes.

The game is a simple race based on sheer luck, and it is popular with young children. The historic version had its roots in morality lessons, on which a player's progression up the board represented a life journey complicated by virtues (ladders) and vices (snakes). The game is also sold under other names such as Chutes and Ladders, Bible Ups and Downs, etc., some with a morality motif; a morality Chutes and Ladders was published by the Milton Bradley Company starting from 1943.

How to play:

  • Each player puts their counter on the space that says 'start here'.

  • Take it in turns to roll the dice. Move your counter forward the number of spaces shown on the dice.

  • If your counter lands at the bottom of a ladder, you can move up to the top of the ladder.

  • If your counter lands on the head of a snake, you must slide down to the bottom of the snake.

  • The first player to get to the space that says 'home' is the winner.Here's a Snakes and ladders board game to play with your friends and family. You need to print the board game, and you can print counters and dice for the game too.

Take this Quiz:

Snakes and Ladders Quiz

Have fun!

Did you enjoy learning about this game? Do you enjoy making things? Try this craft activity.

Here you have the needed materials to build your own board game and die, so that you'll be able to play at home.

Print the Snakes and ladders board game.

Print a dice and counters to make.