
 60% of 6th grade students were inspired to pursue a career in STEM due to their microgravity research 

80% of 6th grade students said they "learned a lot about how scientific research is conducted"

I loved this experiment so so much!  I learned how to write a conclusion and why this research is needed for Artemis missions.  -Jemma

The best thing we have done.  -Caitlyn 

I tHought it was cool to see that after the nematodes were put into the soil the plant still looked healthy until you saw the damaged roots .  This taught me that even if someone looks happy on the outside they could be damaged on the inside.  -Aubri

I wished we could have done it again.  -Kaleb

I want to fix our problems and do it again. - Jackson

My favorite.  -Julia, Caymn

This was the most scientific thing I have ever done! -Addie

94% of 6th grade students would like to continue participating in the Salado Space Team 

It helped me understand what college students  understand.  -Rylee

Working with universities inspired many students to work hard.  It also shows what Salado Middle School students can do. -Adie

It felt amazing to work with professionals - Colten

I liked hearing their ideas about how to put our experiments on a rocket. -Angelina

I felt like a real scientist. -Alyson

I learned so much from them.  I hope they know how thankful I am, and that it is a privilege to work with them. - Brooklyn

It is so cool that they are learning about the same things we are learning about!  -anonymous

It feels like we are all connected. -Anonymous

74% of 6th grade students felt they contributed to nasa's artemis moon mission

I feel lucky to have had the experience of doing experiments that might help NASA someday.  -Ayden

I liked working with moon regolith and seeing all of our hard work go into 0-g.  I also liked talking to people that have helped in space exploration.  -Kaleb

Using moon regolith simulants helped me understand capillary force and why and how water moves through regolith on the moon and earth.  - Pierson

I loved the regolith because it was amazing to feel the texture of the moon, and to see if water would be absorbed.  - Brooklyn

It was amazing to see all of our work go into a space program.  -Colten

I got to feel what it is like to work with real experiments and send them to space. - Anonymous

I thought science class would be way different, where the teacher talks and you listen.  But Mrs. Tomlin lets us touch the moon regolith, and we have to wear real masks to protect us.  It was a big deal for me. - Sydney

It was interesting and important. -Julia