South Texas Border Exploration


Where are we going? We will be traveling to South Texas to explore the historical, cultural, and biological implications of the border.

When? January - Specific dates coming soon!

How much will it cost? $TBD (financial assistance is available)

Who will be going? We hope to bring every single freshman. This travel experience is an integral part of the 9th grade curriculum.

Can parents go? Yes, a limited number of parents go with us to supplement the teachers, administrators, and interns that will be chaperoning. Information coming soon!.


What about medication?

Teachers will carry five over-the-counter medications which can be dispensed at the student's request (provided we have a permission slip on file). These are acetaminophen, ibuprofen (for pain or fever), loperamide HCl (for diarrhea) and diphenhydramine (for allergic reactions).

Other OTC meds will need to be turned in during the check-in process on the night of our departure. Each item will be placed in a baggie with your child's name on it, along with a form that includes exactly when and how the medication should be given. Please do not include the items listed above.

Any homeopathic remedies not approved by the FDA may not be brought on the trip without a note from a physician.

Prescription medications will also need to be turned in. These items must be in the original packaging with the student's name on each one. We can only take the exact number of doses that are to be given during the trip. Please count out exactly how much the student will be needing to take on our trip and keep the rest at home.

A limited number of medications can be carried by a student: for example, asthma inhalers and epipens (if the school nurse has a self-carry form on file) and hormone therapy. The school nurse must have the self-carry form on file no later than 10 days prior to our departure.

When we return, teachers must hand leftover medication (if any) to a parent.


Will they miss work in their non-core classes?

Yes. They need to make up their work, or ask for it in advance if possible.

This trip was scheduled months ago to conflict with the fewest number of extracurricular activities.