Religious Education

Term 3

Week 1 & 2 Traditional Prayer Week 3 - 6 : Church Strand Week 7 - 10 Sacraments Strand

The Church Strand Year 8

Week 4 - Jesus the Model Teacher - Slide 1 -

Feast of St. Pius X on Friday - Poem competition. Refer literacy plan.

Traditional Catholic Prayers

Week 2: 2-6 August

Tuesday: - Introduction

Slide 1, 2, 3 and 4

Wednesday - Slide 5 - complete the activity and post.

Friday - Whole school mass

Week 11: 12 - 16 April

Alleluia Alleluia. He is Risen!

We will continue to analyse and find the main ideas in different Easter Story.

We are able to show our understanding by transferring the information in written text to visual text.

  1. John 20: 19 - 31 - Use the storyboard.

Week 10 : 7 - 9 April

Alleluia Alleluia. He is Risen!

Our learn for this week :- We will learn about -

We will read about these stories and get to understand the main event of these stories.

We will do an information transfer of these stories. We will illustrate the stories depeciting the main ideas.

We will create a storymap of the scriptures we read.

Holy Week Prayer

Tuesday 30 March

We will illustrate the gospel of the day. We will use this in our prayer this morning.

This is an information transfer - you show the important parts of the scripture - illustrate the scripture.

Holy Week Story.pdf

Monday 29 March

It is Holy Week. We are going to read the story of Holy Week.

You are to choose 2 words and create a word art of the words.

We will use these words to create a word wall of the holy week.

19 Week 3: 15 - February

This week on Wednesday, we begin the season of Lent. Let's listen to Bishop Dunn . We can also read what Pope Francis says about fasting during lent.