20 Mahuru | 20 September: Homophones & Google Docs




edublogs: embedding a Google Doc.webm

How to embed GOOGLE DOCS in your BLOG 

height=700 width=860     

goes between the first iframe and src=

13 Mahuru | 13 September: Protecting Your Online Identity

Blog notes:

Mason: edit surname from slide 1 "Digital Footprint"

Some videos need completing - can edit in Canva and add/change music, complete images, some need to make the text easier to read

Embed Canva into edublogs

Embed Canva into Edublog.mp4

Set a FEATURED IMAGE in edublogs

Edublogs_ Set Featured Image _ Screenshot.mp4

23 Here-turi-kōkā | 23 August: Quality Blog Posts




16 Here-turi-kōkā | 16 August: Your Digital Footprint 

9 Here-turi-kōkā | 9 August: Sharing your learning - level up your edublog

Click on the template to start.

Here are some sentences starters to support your reflections:

Today I was learning to ...

I enjoyed ...

I found it challenging to ...

Next time I would ...

How to embed into our edublog.webm

How to Embed from Canva to edublog

2 Here-turi-kōkā | 2 August: 10 x 2 Holiday Poem

Today we are learning to...

Extras For Experts:

How to Embed your Canva mahi into Edublogs

Embed Canva into Edublog.mp4

Setting the Featured Image in Edublogs

Edublogs_ Set Featured Image _ Screenshot.mp4

26 Hōngongo | 26 July: Questionnaire & edublog update

Today we are learning how to:


Please click here to access the Student Questionnaire.

Just for Teachers ...  Questionnaire