28 Pipiri | 28 June: Quality Blog Post

Step 1: Select a recent piece of mahi. 

Step 2: Create a new Post.

Step 3: Explain your learning with quality reflections.

Step 4: Ninja Challenge

Follow the steps below to create a Gif about what a good blog post looks like.  

Here are some sentences starters to support your reflections:

Today I was learning to ...

I enjoyed ...

I found it challenging to ...

Next time I would change ...

How to embed into our edublog.webm

How to Embed from Canva to edublog

How to Embed from Google Slides to edublog

7 Pipiri | 7 June: Using Canva to create an Animation

Today we are learning how to:


10 Haratua | 3 May: Online Profile

Post an online profile of yourself - 

3 Haratua | 3 May: Sharing Your Learning using edublogs

Student Presentation Setting up Edublogs

Click the button above to go to edublogs

for teachers...

edublogs rollout - SMS Teachers

Check that your name is correctly spelt

Check that the school is correct

Check that your email is correct

Globe visiblility - edublogs rollout - SMS Teachers
Update edublog Profile (Students)

? Haratua | ? May: Copyright & Creating Your Own Media

Today we are learning to...