Please take the time to look through the sideshow and find out how to create a beautiful prayer table at home. Please spend this afternoon making it. If you like you can write about it in Google Docs and take photos of your prayer space with your Chromebook. Please save it in Inquiry so I can look at your work later today.
If you can not open the slideshow on this site I have emailed you the link. Let me know if you need help. Email me. Thanks Ms McMillan
Today we are making an animation of the story your wrote yesterday. If you missed our lesson on Google Meets this morning please watch this video. Please email me or call if you need help. See you at 1 pm to share your learning.
Great writing on the first day everyone! Hunter I have shared your piece of writing today. I like how you have used a wide range of words to describe your day and how you felt. See you all tomorrow morning for new learning and to see all the smiling faces.
Click on the green button to be taken to a series of vocabulary lessons. If you click on "support material" and the click on "for students" there is a worksheet to go with every story. You can print it out and fill it in or you can write the answer in an email and send it to me. Don't forget to tell me which story you watched.
We are going through an interesting time of our lives at the moment. Working from home and meeting in a Google Meet to do our learning. I saw this picture and felt it was very powerful. What do you think this picture is about? How does it make you feel? What do all the differents symbols represent? Share your ideas with someone at home. You can write about your ideas in a Google Doc (titled your name and RE pic). Remember to save it in Inquiry.
We will learn how to follow written and visual instructions to create paper art. We will take photos of our creation and post it on our page. We will write about what we did. We will embed the YouTube clip of how to make our art on our page. This will be shared with our followers and they can try it at home.
Click on the slide to continue your learning, writing, making and sharing.
Follow the instructions on the first page of the set of slides. Find your name and complete the task. Remember you can click on your name and it will take you to your page. Looking forward to learning lots of new fact today.